Lord Vader…..*raspy voice* Rise…

Alright everybody, I just found out about this site, and I thought, ah hell, I might as well. Lot’s of things happen to me in-game that I might find funny, etc. etc. and I thought this would be a great place to share whatever the hell happened to me.

Well, first, I’ll introduce myself. After a two month hiatus, I’ve made a new account and began playing WoW, thence Christmas. I rolled on Jaedenar (US PvP) as (for reasons beyond me) a Night Elf ROUGE. K? ROUGE. Lolololel. Moving on.

It took me a whole WEEK to get to level 34. I was hoping for a number, oh say– maybe around 60, but it’s CLEAR that I won’t be able to hit 60 before the expansion, Burning Crusade, comes out. Truly heartbreaking. Yesterday, on an impulse, I’ve decided to make a new character to level up after my rogue hit’s sixty. Everyone pretend to be serious and say hello to Katherine, Male Human Paladin!


Again, I stress, MALE.

Typing blogs in the morning before school is teh suck. I’ve run out of time. I’ll type up some funnys later today, and things of less boring measures.

10 thoughts on “Lord Vader…..*raspy voice* Rise…”

  1. It’s definitely not the waist this time, 3D-character-of-ambiguous-gender. XD

    And I thought all those ‘Your Mother!’s in the above comments was referring to Darth Vader. Like, ‘Luke. . . I am your MOTHER!’ XD

  2. Wasn’t it umm. . .

    DarthVader said: “Luke. I. Am. You’re. Father.”

    LukeSkywalker said: “OMGwhatXBBQH4X!”

    GuyfromjapanplanningtokillGeogeBushbecausehedeniedthefactoftheKyotoaggreement said: “GEORGEBUSHHEREICOMEEEEEEE”

    *Guy zooms pass Darth Vader with a solomobile*

    DarthVader said: “WTHWASTHAT”

    LukeSkywalker said: “OMGTHATWASH4X”

    DarthVader said: “STFU N00B”

    LukeSkywalker said: “I THOUGHT YOU WERE MY FATHER!”

    DarthVader said: “Oh noes! He revealed my H4x! =[“

    *Darth Vader zips away leaving his light sabers behind*

    GuyfromKyoto said: “WoW these are 1337 sticks”

    *sticks it in his pockets and activates the buttons*

    GuyfromKyoto said: “OMG IT BUURRRRRNSSSS”

    LukeSkywalker said: “Suckers”
  3. Nice starting on WoW, though I doubt you should bet on hitting lvl 60 before around. . . 40 days? I hitted lvl 24 in 3 days, and I’m lvl 60 now, after 1 month. I had a break though, I felt bored and began chilling some MapleStory again, and then I felt like starting again.
    Good luck with playing WoW, and I hope you will have a great time while doing it (:

    ~I reply to semi-intelligent blogs

    it looks sooooo fun
    any1 see the south park episode with WoW
    it was hilarious

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