trickster is fast lvling XD

Trickster has really fast leveling, in an hour, i got to lvl 15, if you wanna play, get ready for fast lvling : ) thats if youre patient enough to wait hours for the patch……….

5 thoughts on “trickster is fast lvling XD”

  1. not really, how do u lvl so fast?! i’m only lvl 16 and i played for like 12 hours!

  2. it really depends on the person

    i was waiting for a patch of ms and i decided the only game that i would actually not lag while ms is doing the patch is runescape

    after playin maple every game is fast levelin lol

    i made it to 30 in like 2 hours and i dont even like the game and i knew nothing about quest items and crap

    after i was done i felt like i had just warmed up to level my warrior lol

  3. Hmm, People should stop dragging people who play maple to play trickster. In broa, this person kept making MegaPhones that says “Play MyTrickster online!” And he quickly logs off.

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