7 thoughts on “Black Sacks”

  1. I believe they were only released in Bera last year during the summer events. (It was one of the prizes for beating a minigame.) I remember because about two weeks after the events started, a whoooole bunch of Jr. Balrogs started appearing in all the towns. XD
    Can anyone confirm they were given as prizes in Scania?

  2. black sacks? u get em from quests isnt that OLD NEWS? o_O; or is it some other kind of sack?

  3. yes they were prizes from vents, but soon we can get them from quests and gathamom

  4. oh well i missed the last year summer events. er jesusfreak, the black sacks summon jr balrogs. the ones we get from quests are like. . .robots, ticktocks, aliens. not like those super rare monsters ._.

  5. These r rare black sacks that summon jr barlog that should drop from jr barlog i think

  6. They don’t drop from Rogs, or there’d be a billion of em. ^_^” That one in the screenshot is probably the only one left,

  7. ha
    if it was i would laugh so hard
    i dunno why high lv ppl find it hilarious to kill noobs who are trying to mak a living off snails

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