Found my old screenshots o__o

From a long time ago. xD Aradawn was my first character (complete with messed up stats xD). Sadly, I deleted her. >_> I wished I just kept her to use as a mule or something. Anyway, I found a bunch of screenshots in my maplestory folder somewhere. Some of them:

1st pic: My very first screenie from when I was trying to figure out how to take them. xD
2nd pic: I remember I was going crazy when I found those big sentinel thingys.
3rd pic: Second time seeing Balrog (‘s ship). The first time I saw him he killed me. xD
4th pic: FLYING BOARS!
5th pic: Me with two of my friends after we got our maple flags.

Right now I’m thinking, ‘So THAT’S where they all went!’ All 107 of them. >_> Oh well, it made me happy to find all my old memories again. xD I have a whole lot of screenshots of me and my friends making mobs of boars..

7 thoughts on “Found my old screenshots o__o”

  1. 107? Dear God, once I figured out how to take SS’s, I went crazy with them. I still have my old folder of SS’s. How many are there, you say?


  2. Fenrir said: “*cough* luk on archer *cough*”

    Imagine a warrior with 35 INT instead of 35 STR for the job advancement.

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