13 thoughts on “i was boredererererererererererererer”

  1. From the first half minute I knew I would like this.
    Heck, the freaking Production opening was brilliant.

    I love the style and the music. Fantabulous. EXXXciting.
    Congratulations, and I love it!

    Post script: I need to stress to you how much I love the Mario music. The sound affects are just godly. Really. Timing, selection. Your viewers notice and your viewers love.
    Also, NICE with the slow motion part XD Hee hee.

    By the way, what was that shiny ring of doom at the end of the video? Curiousity!

  2. IndigoLove said: “By the way, what was that shiny ring of doom at the end of the video? Curiousity!”

    That’s chakra.

  3. Hehe, I’m glad you guys like the video. My husband put a lot of work into it! ( ^ ^ )

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