
Today I wasted approximately four hours of my playing time. First of all, I was training my level 55 ice mage at Red Drakes. There was someone in the map, so I changed channel. While the screen was black and waiting, I walked over to the opposite end of the room to turn the radio on. When I turned back around, I was dead. Some hacker had sucked all the monsters to the safe platform. I lost 5%, lots of time wasted there.

After I vented off that situation, I decided to train my noob, who was level 9 and was to become a bandit. When I finally whacked enough snails for the job advancement, I took the boat to Victoria and spoke to Dark Lord. Shockingly, I didn’t have enough DEX. I thought that since thieves needed LUK the most, I needed 25 LUK. No, I needed 25 DEX. Therefore I had to delete the whole character since my skill bulid would be messed up since.

This is the worst day playing MapleStory I ever had.

2 thoughts on “Wasted!”

  1. That happened to me too.

    I mean the DEX requirement thing.

    I put too much in LUK as well.

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