yay, i can write the story now (edited)

There Fenrir. Your order is granted. 😛
o.0 all you want.
Imppala lvl 46
Tidal Snovv lvl 17
Leaves Home lvl 18
Fenrir lvl 25
cokefannie lvl 27
Bling level 45
Neizshadows lvl 56
Mizura lvl 58
The Double Digit Club
Narrator: Maria (The one in Maple Island)
Way in Kerning, there was a gang, called the Double Digit Club. Every member’s level was double digits, so that was what it was called. They lived in the Pharmacy, the room under the shop. Maria’s child: “Mum, they had it for free?” No, it was for rent. Anyways, back to the story.

Imppala was the only one awake. The Dark Lord, her firs instructor, told her to write a speech. It must be on how good thieves are, he said. Of course, Imppala agreed, and soon she was writing away. Coke Fannie said it was strange, because she had told the gang that Impaala was the Lord’s best fighter, not writer. Unfortunately, Imppala stayed up the whole night. Her eyes had dark circles under them. But she did not care. She wanted to show The Lord that she was easy to rely on, and one day, if she worked hard enough, she would be the Lord! I’d better get this done, she thought. The Lord wants it in 3 hours!
Suddenly, TidalSnovv woke up. “mmm….. Hello Impaala, what are you doing? Still writing it? “and fell asleep. *sigh* Tidal Snovv was always the earliest to wake up…. but never this earl – IT’S ALREADY 9:00???? Then, as Imppala wrote the last bits of her speech, she ran to the fusion bar.
Coke Fannie was worried. “TidalSnov, where is Imppala?” At the Lords. You know.” “Oh.” Then, one by one, she and Tidal Snovv woke up everyone. “The lord’s, eh?” said Bling.
“Yep.” said Leaves Home.
“Yep,” said everyone else.
End of Intro.
Like it guys?
PPL: You still have time to be in the story!!!!
Just say what you want your name to be, lvl, class, and POOF!
YouÂ’re in the story.
The very top of the blog has all the current people.
People whom I havent given a big part… Sorry, I;ll give you one in Chap. 1
Intro deticated to(means that the were the main chars for Intro…): Impaala
Just to let you know, the pic i have up there is an x. =P
click on the x and you will see da picture.

14 thoughts on “yay, i can write the story now (edited)”

  1. Thanks for reading Intro
    Other good stories you should read:
    Cadvan Chronicles
    Mizura’s Story by Mizura

  2. I have used MS word. Ook, now im going to edit. EDIT EDIT EDIT
    Yeah, it is kinda bad, ,
    wh, sniff
    wha sniff
    blows nose with a tissue.

  3. Hey hey! it was good!
    Jeez Fenny, dont get too agro
    it was pretty cool, just the convo could be better thats all
    cool idea xD
    rock on!

    P.S make more people talk lol forgot that and also, 9 am is hell early for me, average is 11

  4. IM A GUY ><

    Othereise, made for interesting reading, awaiting the next chap

    P.S. I stay up to 4am in the morning usually, so thats pretty in char XD.

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