How To Lose A Friend

Well It all started when I was at blue mushrooms, I was level 33 at the time, and I was searching for blue mushroom caps.
Any ways I was at the Hidden Street, Changing channels looking for blue mushrooms.
I changed to a channel with a lvl 30 bowman training to.
I was trying hard not to Ks and I killed by accident some of the bowmans mushrooms.
I ammediatly apoligise and fame him.
He was very suprised and ask to be buddies.
I didn’t have any buddies at the time being so I agreed.
Later I learn that He was a girl that chose to have a boy character.
We talked all the time and we always got closer and I have to admit it was pretty fun.
I got bored of my cleric like a lot of people do and started a bandit.
She didn’t mind and added the bandit to the buddy list as well.
I was Bored Out Of My mind so I decided to make a guild.
I lost a whole lot of money but still it was cool having a guild.
I emmidiatly added my friend and all is well.
But I had to go somewhere over the spring break.
I told her that I would be back on thursday.
As we said goodbye I had left.
Once I got home on Thursday I wanted to tell her all about my vaccation.
Suprisingly she wasn’t on.
She was level 39 and I knew she has been playing.
But now she isn’t on.
Not even to this day.
It is near summer and she still isn’t on.
I played as my cleric when I finally got bored on my bandit, hoping to be at her level so when she gets on I can play with her.
I still try to see if she is on.
Maybe she started a new character, but no one knows : C
And that is how I lost my only and best friend.


15 thoughts on “How To Lose A Friend”

  1. It’s weird, somehow when you don’t see your buddies for a while, things happen. I remember so many of my old friends quitted after I got my comp. fixed after a month. It sucked.

  2. >___< I tend to find ppl by typing in “/find _____” or by bumping into them after a really long time to find out that they were only taking up space in my buddy list when they had already deleted me =___=; I hope you do find your friend one day. Good luck to you. And Happy Mapling =]

  3. im willing to bet that she didnt get a high enuf grade on her report card. if this happened over spring break, thats probably why.
    happened to my friends friend. well wish you luck finding your friend

  4. Yea that happend to me i lost my best freind XTheifxLordX my freind sense i was at lvl 10 on my warrior T_T now hes gone

  5. I hope you’re able to find her soon, maybe her internet connection or something screwed up for months O.O and can’t get online =))

  6. Lau said: “I hope you’re able to find her soon, maybe her internet connection or something screwed up for months O.O and can’t get online =))”

    that happend to an online friend of mine once. she had to move to the other side of the country then she didnt have internet for months >_>;; then i tracked her one day jsut cuz i was healing, and then she was online

  7. wat a sad story, sorry to u, i also lost a fren , T-T her name is chibimaru94, very sad

  8. Aw man. Hope you can find them. I know what it’s like to loose a friend on Maple and good ones are hard to find!

  9. I feel sorry for you. Not to be gloating, but, my best friend came back after two months. Keep waiting and you might be rewarded.

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