A game ima make when im over 20 Part 1

This is about a game I’m gonna make when im over 22 with my friends timothy and paul. IT ‘s called:

SKY CLOUDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You can make cool characters,ride on cool bikes and skateboards through the game(maplestory
ain’t got so they suck),get cool jobs such as potionfairy or guner(this is a gunman u can shoot with
guns),get nice weapons such as the Blade of Fire(for warriors and guner only). of course sky clouds
also has the same jobs as maplestory except they’re called differently.

Archer Lvl 12,40 Dexterity,15 Strength
Spellcaster Lvl 10,30 Intelligence,15 luck
Rogue Lvl 12,40 Dexterity and Luck
Swordsman Lvl 12,50 Strength and 10 Dexterity
PotionFairy Lvl 10,40 Intelligence,10 Luck,14 Endurance
Guner Lvl 12,50 Charisma,10 Luck
Slayer Lvl 12,40 Strength,20 Charisma

You can get more jobs for 25 cents each and master the game except you can only get up to three jobs.
Whenever you start a character,you start with 10 of every stat:

Power Boost

These stats are very important for every job. Swordsmen and women need lots of strength and dexterity,
archers need lots of endurance,luck,strength and dexterity,spellcasters need lots of intelligence,luck,and endurance,slayers need lots of strength and charisma,potionfairys need lots of intelligence,luck,power boost,
and endurance,and last but not least rogues need lots of luck and dexterity.

Read more at Part 2 please!!!!!!!!!!!!

14 thoughts on “A game ima make when im over 20 Part 1”

  1. It seems very cliched (Without the little accente “e” and probably used wrong) Like, that’s all been done before. Any why do you have to be over 22? Anyone (Probably even me if I wasn’t so lazy) could start making a game like that tomorrow if they wanted to.

  2. THATS GONNA BE PATHETIC, Bikes and skateboard in a RPG, what? Specialy when u included mages
    “Mom im riding my skateboard to church” “Mom: Do you have your potion ingridients ready?”
    AND cool R U REALLY SERIOUS, i didn’t no a guner used guns! We are not stupid, and another bad add, if your gonna give mages it should have some mideveil or some fantasy theme, not guns and skateboards, worst mixture EVER!

  3. Sheesh. This idea isn’t really good, I gota agree with Renome. Sorry if u think im flaming you -_-

  4. Hell yes but thats gonna be so fricken ghey! seriously think about it skateboard on a mythology game! what?

  5. I’m so tempted to say you phail at gamemaking; however, I’ve seen worse, so yours is still within the boundaries of acceptable. Somehow. But if you’re making a game of a certain genre, stick with it, don’t switch, and please have a bit of originality when it comes to creating classes and things. I mean, some of these are basically rips off MS with a little stat-juggling and random stats shoved in, and to be extremely honest with you. . .

    ‘PotionFairy’ is not a class I would be if you paid me real money, and please spell ‘Gunner’ correctly.


  6. be quiet drunkdaddy im just getting ideas from my friends and for indescane i don’t carre if it’s gunner my friends timothy did that
    all my friends were just helping out for the blog

  7. U tell us to shut up when you put this blog up? We are suppose to comment or flame you if we want. Or else what’s the use with the commenting system? Everything is going to be lame in your game. And i’m sure of it.

  8. that was my friend who was using my mmoid while we were playing basketball i didn’t tell the comment that said be quiet drunkdaddy
    argh im gonna so beat him up i only did the comment that said i got a patent argh ima soooo gonna kill him!

  9. im not gonna include skateboards bcuz of the three people who commented thx for helping me!that was a way of helping me,
    and im not gonna include slayer or guner or wat else u don’tt want,

  10. i really didn’t like it when u said something mean of something,

    (that’s what my counseler told me to tell!don’t blame me unless u make a comment, )

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