The setting was a cold dark night. . . (Not really.)
The players fought a long hard fight. . (Yeah, against what? Those weird OPQ jump quests?!)
Until one noob in aura white, (Hahaha, noob)
View’d “Level Up” in letters bright! (Another level in what? Stupidity? Oh joy.)
Excuse me-
*decapitates sarcastic commentator*
*brushes off shoulder* n_n
Shall we continue?
She danced in glee, oh blissful day!
To level in panties? Oh blissful way!
Now to the FM, to buy earrings, away!
Of the fifty-five type, crystal flowers, HOORAY!
Aye aye! That’s right!
Broo is now level 55, (well actually she’s been 55 for a longish time now, but no time to blog about it + laziness in general = not happiness).
Seeing my EXP bar slowly filling up through many rush OPQs was pretty sweet. I knew that when I got to 55 I could wear my UBER UBER CRYSTAL BLUE FLOWER EARRINGS, and that fact encouraged me when I encountered icky parties (which wasn’t TOO often).
And 55 is waaaaay farther than I ever expected to get. I thought I’d get to like. . .35 or something maximum. D:
. .Then again, I never really expected to have such a bunch of crazy awesome friends who really DO keep me interested in the game.
Introductions to a few, yes?
This member of AppleLegacy (FTW~) can usually be found running pantsless around El Nath.
Killing zombies and making her bunny poop on people is her profession.
Also specializes at having a quick trigger finger in the F1-F7 department.
We talk about food a lot. <3
Another Apples guildie. We had a running competition on who would get to level 55 first.
He won *coughcheatersnort* and is now at like. . .57.
A very encouraging friend to have while doing jump quests of the totally aggravating type.
He is also quite a pro at having an odd sense of humor which surfaces at the randomest times.
A rather perverted yet bright guildie. Resident duck. Fellow maniac stalker.
Is very talented at going idle at odd times, which usually results in death.
Hates training. Is unconventional in some methods, rather rude, yet totally lovable.
On to blogging!
So. After leveling and buying my level fifty-five crystalline earrings (which are ever so beautiful, BTW) I logged off for the night, leaving MS to stagnate.
Work and lifey things filled my time.
Days passed.
And then~
A lull in the craziness happened. Eying my computer speculatively, I turned it on.
Nothing terribly pressing happened. Nothing that could dissuade me from indulging my game craving, that is.
So it was MS TIME!
Logging on, I was met by the usual guild/buddylist spammage. We jibber-jabbered a while, talking about food, who had what to eat, who was doing what, etc.
AD and Tsi seemed to be talking about zombie-like subjects, so I, being in Orbis, decided to stalk them.
They were caught by surprise in one of the zombie maps, and we ran around making faces and talking about coffee.
Slumbum hung quite idly on a rope, and as I passed him on one of my jumping sprees, I was rather startled to see a tombstone fall in his place.
Piccy 1: Ghosty Slum hovered quite placidly on the snowy ground.
Piccy 2: Peering rather sadly at him, I commenced with the dirge singing, which created much havoc in the camp.
Some people had to leave then, so AD, Tsi, and myself decided to go kill pangs as AD had a quest he wanted to finish. We went back to town first. I forget why.
Piccy 3: We had an impromptu tea party on an unoccupied ledge, but then Tsi ate everything. Piggie. ;D
Piccy 4: I managed to jump on a Lycan, and died.
Piccy 5: And then the evil yeti/penguin guys killed me, bahaha!
Needless to say, I got back to town more quickly than them.
Back at town AD had to go idle for a few minutes, which turned into a great source of entertainment for Tsi and myself. Pet’s /chat command is awesome. ;D
And then he came back and KICKED Tsi’s poor bunny. *mutters*
I left soon after that to go back to Orbis. PQed a bit and then went to sleep for the night.
Oh yeah! I made a likkle nooby on Scania, inspired by the whole migration thinger. She’s like level 9ish now, and I forget what she’s gonna be, but add me plicks if ye feel like it. Or stalk. ;D
IGN: Cinnamoon
Okies. Blog = done!
*flies away*
P.S. I had KIWI ICECREAM the other day. I was super disappointed ’cause it wasn’t bright green, but oh well. It tasted good in any case.
I’m pretty sure that everytime you sing, a puppay dies. D:
I think I notice something
in the begginning you rhyme
that is so cool, right on time!
you kept dying
at least you didnt start crying!
uhh. . .borange! ! ! ! (I am probably the first human to ever think of a rhyme for that)
~LaZzz. . .(is such a spazz!)(I’m good at this!)
Lol, congratz on level 55.
Lazydame, the silly word orange,
can easily find a rhyme in ‘arrange’!
good job on lv 55
*Throws spaghetti at*
Should be confetti, but I ran out .
like, Really black.
really, really, black.
When i was level 2x, he was 3x.
I swear, I passed him so bad. I’m 89, hes 55. SLOW. xd
Btw, were friends. AND LOL. FAT FAT FAT FAT.