Reflections on evil quests and OPQs.

So yeah. I’m trying to blog whenever something blog-worthy happens, but being a super procrastinator that rarely happens.
Or I start a blog and never manage to totally finish it.
Ya wai.

Thursday afternoon:

Y’know that Spell that Seals Up Critical Danger quest?
The one that requires a bunch of Macis and Taurospear soul rocks?
Uh huh.
Sooo AD and I decided to try our hands at doing it, having the bizarre desire to finish a quest!
Or maybe it was our inner-suicidemaniacs taking over our minds. Or the underwear. Or the chickens. *insane gleam*
After inquiring in a la buddy chat on whether anyone felt like coming with us young murder-bent children, my buddy AV had mercy on us and stalked us as we sat trembling on the verge of the dungeon.
Introductions were made: AD, meet AV. AV, meet AD. No, you cannot have my underwear.

And then we traveled deep into the dungeon, AD, AV, and the deathly afraid nubnub.

Seeing as I couldn’t even hit the fatties, I retired to a platform while AV happily exploded the few unfortunate monsters that happened to be in his path.
And then, like in all the old stories, once upon a time something inevitable happened:

Firstly: The one guy demied AV, and I got hitandthendied. I didn’t care. I grinned maniacally.

Second: AD forgot to re-healthize himself, and died too. He lost a bit of experience, sadly. D:

Thirdly: AV, noticing with some regret that we were both dead told us that we would only get a few potions from that quest anyways, and departed unto yonder Mardia, where he is probably pwning people with his sheer awesomeness.

We abandoned our quest and both got on the boat headed towards Ossyria, easier quests on mind.


I learned how to OPQ! And I don’t know what all the fuss is about it, it was super easy – and fun to boot. ;D
Part of it was probably the fact that I had a good party (AD, Knight, Tsi, myself, and two other pretty intelligent people), and part of it was the fact that nobody yelled at me for falling down all the jump-quest-type-stages about half a gabillion times.
We only did a few stages at a time, but methought it was pretty shweet.

Taking a break to eat supper, I logged back on to meet another round of OPQing, though with a different round of people.
AD, Tsi, and myself were there, but we had to get a few other players (of dubious sanity, mind you) to complete our party.

One of these was a level 60something ranger, whose only words the entire PQ consisted of: “we you married whit me???”

We had an interesting time coming up with odd reasons why he shouldn’t marry our lovable Tsi (who seemed to be the object of his affections), such as: “She washes her hair in husband blood”, and stuff about chopping one’s head off in the middle of the night, and. . .uh. . . yeah. Can’t remember anymore.
Having a bad memory FTL! D:<
Oh wells, it was pretty hilarious to say the least. Grarr. ;3

AppleLegacy pwns yooh. <3


5 thoughts on “Reflections on evil quests and OPQs.”



  2. Yeah, that lightning is the worst, isn’t it? D:
    And thanks a billion, Cheesar. ;o) <3!

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