start falsepromise go go go

strange title……….. hm….. i wonder why i used that title…… ive never heard it before…….. hm……. FalsePromise…..ah! my guilds name! yeps tahst right, but not what im looking for………………..
*please wait while Ciara puts her self together*
hm………………um………GOGOGO…. Power Rangers? no………

*i think she has a new idea!*

The Legend of Wizet

Ya, that ahs a nice ring to it
*ya right dumbass*
oh you wanna bet?
what are the odds?
*i win, you admit your a very bad word i should say on this kids site*
deal! and if I win?
*ill admit that im a very bad word i shouldnt say on this kids sight*

eh, we are the same person any way…….. so, good idea or not? YOU decide!!!!!!!!!!
and ima write ch1 in 5 seconds after i hit the SUBMIT button so your vote wont help…………

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