LMPQ Day 2 Experience

LMPQ, Ludi maze party quest. 2nd day was interesting.
From level 51 on Day 1. 0-90%
From level 51 on Day 2. 90-100%
From level 52 on Day 2. 0-94% (Stupid maintenance stopped me)

Level 51(0%)-52(90%) Ive gained around an estimate of 2 million meso.
Its fast.. 1min – 2% average.

Stupid maintenance. Now I would have to wait till 4am to start LMPQ’ing again. 6%!!.
But still. It was a fun day =x.

5 thoughts on “LMPQ Day 2 Experience”

  1. Nice.

    That you can wake up so early just to Maple: Even nicer.
    I can never wake up early, lol.

  2. Okay, this is like the 5th one today. I’m getting a little upset.

    It is against the rules to have a blog less than a paragraph. It hurts the quality of the site and shoves blogs with actual effort down the list.

    Please edit this within 24 hours or I’ll have to delete it.


  3. Whoa, you’re in my old guild from Bera. HellsPirates was fun, while I was there. B0nnl3=Crys, yeah. =D

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