Welcome to MMO Tales! Please excuse the paint while we put on the finishing touches and work out all the kinks. MMOTales is a site for blogging about your virtual life. Did you finally hit level 50? Tell us about how excited you are. Did you find a special weapon you’ve wanted for ages? Let us hear about it. Do friends and family look at you weird when you start talking about weapon scrolling? Fear not, you’ve found a site where people will not only understand, they’re waiting to hear about your adventures.
Oh, a few things I should tell you. When you submit a blog, it won’t automatically show up on the frontpage. In order to get on the frontpage, other users will have to rate your blog well. This is motivation for you to write the best blogs. Use proper grammar, punctuation, make it interesting, make it clear. Before you know it, you’ll have a group of fans that are waiting on pins and needles for your next exciting blog entry.
i <3 this idea, its so creative! itll also be helpful for training tips and etc. =]
nice idea i hope this inspires people to join here
Very original and creative idea. Props to the person with the light bulb on their head that created MMO Tales
I like this idea a lot! n_n
This is a great idea. I doubt many people would have thought of this, let alone, make it happen.
Great site
This is a wonderful place for people to tell about their in-game stories, ideas, and happenings. I’ve been waiting for a site like this. I gotta let some friends know about this.
Nobody’s reading my blog =(
lmao, dude my 1st macis was at lvl 40
and it was easy >.>
Nice idea. Though not many people read my blogs,
I wanna get to lvl 50 so badly T.T
new layout?
muhahahahahahha i got 6 first time um a genius
what an amazing idea captain!
Are you on ship, Captain?
lol bumping this is gonna be sweet =)
Seriously sweet.
I remember seeing this when only one post was present.
And hardly anyone liked the blog.
Good times, good times. Read this ever since May
You know, bumping this is getting old.
Whoops, just bumped it again!
This is like the “Good ol’ days”
Welcome to MMOTales!
And MMOTales was originally started in late April.
Zomg. 99 likes.
Zomg! 99!
I noticed.
100 likes >_>
zomg zomg, and someone said to make their blog 1000 likes,
101 dalmatians.
Lol all we need is 10,000 views.
9.5k views so far Bump~
Bump this topic is awesome. Dang almost 9.6k views. I want that =[
for the 10k view, just keep refreshing O_O
and its 103 likes now
Sure will =)
*holds down F5 button while doing homework*
This thread’ll reach 10k views in no time.
Lol. T3h bumpy blog!
Haha, we need an ac to get this to 20k views.
I was one of the first people to approve this
(Not this account)
my first blog was only 10 days after this o.O
i coulda swore MMO was up before april 28th o.O
Viewed 11302 times.
like the first blog here o.o
Sounds good . . .
Whoah! I never said I liked this blog! It deserves more recognition than this!
yay to mr basil
WOW . 123 is such a nice number , yet im gonna click the i like (=
i never saw the first blog before!

(so many people. . . .so many veiws. . .)
I never liked it!
It’s not like the captain needs any more likes He doesn’t come here anymore.
Waz the point of bumping this? o_o
I can’t believe this only got three pages of comments. ;_;
“. . . all of the kinks.”
Delete the welcome blog!
DELETE IT! But what if she doesn’t and chappie-chan sees our comments? Ahh. . . he’s not coming back
The captain’s as queer as a box of crackers; whatever that means.
Anyone else wanna add to this huge list of likes. o.o
LULZ 137 likes!
Almost 1337! XD
whoa this blog has a million likes!
whos this guy?
I haven’t liked this o.o
omg im helping captain get likes by liking his blog with this account ogmogmog
This blog has a depressing amount of comments to it. I mean, it’s the very first blog of the site and like, wtf, it only has four pages of comments. COME ON, PEOPLE! This shall be our new habitat of exchanging pleasantries.
Neither did I o_O
So this is the weird kid who made this site. . .