Tale of the blade(part 1)

Hiya all,this is my first tale so i hope you like it.

The Cast:
the narrator-me
The Blade-also me
Dark being-yet unknown

Here we go:
Several years ago,in the middle of a war between good and evil, a child was born with a spider-like mark on his back.Ancient scrolls tell that people that are born with that kind of marks,posess immence powers.Usually that would be a good sign/omen but the evil side led by the terrible creature known as a Crimson Balrog wanted that child to absorb its powers befor the child could learn to harness that power.Unfortunantly the childs powers werent destined to stay hidden untill the child could control it.As the Balrog was about to grab hold of the infant the powers of the child went out of control and made the evil forces retreat.
As the time passed,the child grew and so did its powers.At present the child is 16 and a skilled sword fighter.
His parents and all the other people didnt tell him a single word about what happened 16 years ago.So that kid has absolutely no idea what powers lie within himself.
In the 16 years of his life the fighter has made friends with a few kids from his village but unfortunantly the Balrog has sent minions to capture the child with the powers.The minions destroyed the childs friends but they couldent get the child,for he has learnt the secret of the assasins running speed and evaded the minions.
The child has abandoned every bond with his home village and now all call him The Blade.The Blade now lives alone,in the depths of a forest far far away from any humans.As he is sharpening his blade in his little hut,that resembels a big mushroom,a storm is brewing,not a normal storm,its a storm of dark energy,for the dark forses are moveing closer on the forest,led by a fiersome dark being riding a enormous Dark Cargo.The Blade notices the storm and prepares for battle.

For now this is all but next week ill release part 2.Dont forget to post your thoughts about my first story.