Noob scammers

i’m just sorry if all of my blogs are about stupid noobs. But i seriously wanna say something to all the dumbasses in the world.

You know wut grills me? Dam noob scammers who go i’ll give u hacks if u just send me ur maple id and pass and pin. I mean its so OBVIOUS U FCKING NOOBS taht it’s a total scam. and to all u NOOBS out there who actually give u away ur account like that, you dont deserve to play maplestory. JUST GO FCKING TRAIN URSELF RAWR. and the scammers. How can some ppl fall for this kind of thing. to get hacks for urself the hacks have to be on UR COMPUTER and u gott BYPASS IT PAST MAPLESTORY so how they hell are they gonna give u hacks by taking ur account? HUH HUH? answer me that.

but if u seriously want to become rich give me ur id, pass, and pin. i’ll get u money.

LOL. jk. i wouldn’t scam people.

1st screenie is wen i went to see my best m8 jr barlog.
2nd screenie is wen i reached the jr barlog place to find out he’s not there.
3rd screenie is when i finally lvled up to 31
4th screenie is wen i found a vac hacker in the corner of deep valley 2 u can see him as the tiny red dot on the bottom right corner. i got bored and ksed him for a while. but i shouldn’t have done that b/c if gm saw me i would’ve gotten banned for using a hacker. o.O

6 thoughts on “Noob scammers”

  1. “to get hacks for urself the hacks have to be on UR COMPUTER and u gott BYPASS IT PAST MAPLESTORY”. no offense but it seems you’ve looked alot into this hacking thing. o.O

    I think there’s a spawn time for the J.Rog anyway,

  2. If you don’t have your account, how would you even use the hack if you don’t have your main? It’s boring to start over. Aaaaaaaaand, people deal hacks, not give them away or trade for an account. They usually deal it for cash.

  3. no i mean the noobs that go like i’ll give u hacks on ur acc if u give me ur id pass and pin.

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