HI! yes im back…i wasnt well known anyways lol. But…yes…im back…im even taking an attempt on writing again! i got bored -_-” so yah…heres a lil sneak peek at what im working on…cuz…im bored…yes…mk enjoy!?
Chapter 6
Damian stood over the last of the hunters holding out in the Inn.
You really are a stubborn prick, huh? Why dont you just die?
F*** you RAT The Hunter spat.
Damian Slammed hit boot down on the hunters face, making a satisfying squish. The hunter twitched and fell still.
Hey!? You still alive? Damian stomped on the hunters skull again, grinding it into the stone floor until the head looked like a smashed pumpkin. He let out a deep sigh and gave one last good stomp to the pile of mush.
Brothers… Damian whirled around to address the rest of the thief parties that were watching the spectacle.
I think it is time we left this Zakum forsaken city, I believe there is a train waiting for us at the station, no need to keep it waiting.
Hope you enjoyed this Sneak Peek. Your Comments are most invited….your flames are as well…ive missed them so dearly. And yes….im aware…this small tid bit doesnt show any improvment in mah writin
welcome back, but there aren’t alot of people now.
There’s me and that’s enough. T_T
Nu uh Cheeze you need meh too > : O Anwyays I just caught up 5 mins of speed reading o.O need to make the stuff longer and less uh you know (erky erky).Anyways it’s an awesome story.^^