As the title says, this is mainly a price check…So….
All items are in Bera.
1. 4 Luk bronze ID, 1 def below avg, all other stats avg
2. 28 w att clean blood slain, all other stats avg,
3. Mikhail(lvl 70 1h axe); I forgot its stats and I can’t check for some odd reason….
4. Mithril Tower Shield, avg stats
5. Adamantium Tower Shield, avg stats
Just to beef the length up…..
Why are teachers so fond of throwing homework at people? Sure, they want us to learn, but some people aren’t really learning by being persecuted by homework. *[Note]: I can handle homework….[End note]*
Next subject….
What’s better training for an i/L wiz in the low 50s, Garden of Red/Yellow II or Lorang Lorang Lorang? I’ve found Lorang Lorang Lorang much faster, but it’s costing me to train there.
As to my stats and skills, I have +16 INT, and ice is maxed, lightning is at lvl 22(Don’t ask me how I got this). Magic attack is somewhere in the 30x-31x range, I think.
Ummmmmmmmm uhhhhh I don’t know?