Gambling + Rambling.

Wow, don’t you love to race in events?

I, for one hand, HATE IT.

You know why?

One word : FRIENDs.

Yeah, I know, everyone is psyche up about the “MapleGlobal’s 1st Anniversary”. I’m psyche too, but when everyone goes wild when I say “Oh my god, new patch today”. They go crazy… Before school even started, I told all my friends, new patch came out, new quests and weapons. All day, we been like talking about maple.. I wanted to talk about something else. Gets really on my nerves.

After school, here comes my so called “Pro” friend. Danny, promage520. Really, hes racing with me in maple just to get candles in the game. Hes like “tOmMy im going to g0 kS u”. “Ok.. whatever..”.

“goIng to gEt m0re cand1es than u”

Oh my god..

Today at school, he even gambled with me with cards.. MESOS this, MESOS that.. -_-.

Hope this ends.

6 thoughts on “Gambling + Rambling.”

  1. Ok you need to stay away from him. Soon he’ll go so insane he’ll start picking up knives and daggers and try to kill you,

  2. My bro and his friends got an irl maple club xP Its pretty annoying when they ‘attack’ each other,
    They play with their wands [sticks] *Magic claw!*

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