The Lone Sin Part 1~~~

This won’t be just a love story cause I know some people like action too. So lets begin.

Part 1~~~

Surrounded, the only thought going through his mind. The new aquired Caster held in his hand. A mage, warrior and bowman surrounded him, cutting off all escape. Deep in the ant tunnel, he couldn’t call for help. The Sin had only one option then, fight. He reached for his subis and threw it at the mage, the first star hit the mage in the stomache while the second knocked his staff out of his grasp. Now was his chance. Before the three blinked the Sin was gone.

Running, the only thing he could ever do. This was the third time he was attack, but today he didn’t feel good about that bunch. He didn’t know where he was going, but he was going somewhere. Suddenly he stopped, a giant monster with a spear turned to him, but didn’t show his face. “Great” the sin thought. This time he didn’t hold back. He threw all his stars and the behemoth fell to the ground. He noticed his was slowing down, so he recasted his haste and began running again as the team of three entered the area.

He was finally alone. He had time to think to himself and figure out what was going on. He looked around, watching the very wierd land. It was some sort of sancuary which was a good place to hide for awhile. An hour later the Sin finally thought they were gone. He came out of his hiding spot. Confident they were gone he pulled out a scroll from his bag. He needed to get of victoria island before those three wierdos came after him. As a matter of fact, before anyone came after him. He pulled out his scroll when suddenly he fell, a sword slash across his back.

The trio laughed. “You should’ve gave up your Caster when you had the chance”, the warrior laughed. Then the bowman rammed arrows through the Sins body. Finally the mage shot a fire arrow into his side. “Common let’s get out of here” the mage roared. They grabbed all his scrolls and dissappeared in a blink of an eye.

He was alone. He was left for dead. No weapons no armor, nothing. All he saw was a single red potion. He took it and tried to drink it, when it spilled to the side. He had no chance. He slowly tried to stand, but fell on his face, arrows in his legs kept him from doing any walking in along time. He heard a roar. A giagantic beast known as the Legendary Barlog raised his foot. The sin’s vision became black, as the last thing he saw was the Barlog’s foot come down.

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