Difference between good PQer, and bad.

Ok today I was in a good pq, so I decided to make this to show the difference between a good pqing member and a bad one.

1. Track
Good Pqer:The don’t spam ask “What’s track”, and they don’t leave if you don’t have track.
Bad Pqer: They always ask for track, and they get pissed if you don’t have it.

2. Pq
Good Pqer: They concentrate, focus, and they occasionally talk with members.
Bad Pqer: They fool around, don’t help the team at all by going afk, and yell at teammates.

3. Bonus
Good Pqer: In kerning, they get ready to rush, scout, and help people train in bonus if needed. In ludi, you don’t steal boxes and items, and you don’t yell at people about who does what, and who goes up and down.
Bad Pqer: In kerning, they leave party, don’t help scout, and screw off the people who training. In ludi, they take boxes, steal items, and does whatever they want.

4. Rushing
Good Pqer: Virtually impossible in Ludi unless you don’t go to bonus. In kerning, you stand still, wait, and if you miss, you don’t rag out your team leader.
Bad Pqer: They yell out that their team is rushing, they do something to block leader from clicking, they leave your party so you can’t get back in, or they yell at your team leader for missing.

5. Party Disbanning
Good Pqer: You say something nice when you want to leave a pq you hate, like i gtg, you say goodbye to everyone, and say what a great pq it was.
Bad Pqer: You yell at your party, you say, you guys suck im leaving, and you defame a random member sometimes.

Yes, No, Agree, Disagree?
Well that’s my definition of a good pqer and a bad one.

3 thoughts on “Difference between good PQer, and bad.”

  1. Some guy spammed “whats track?””whats track?”and so on.Then he said tell me track or i leave.We honestly didn’t have 1. . .so he LEFT!YAY

  2. I totally feel you on that. I was in a Ludi. pq once and right before we hit the stage after Alishar – the leader says, “No looting!” The first box I hit, a black Napo. cape drops and he looted >__<“”

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