stupid story chapter one and only

the is the first, and only story im gonna make in mmo…im not a really good story maker lmao =P

Chris: Do do do do do do do!
Mike:LMAO! u said Do-Do! LOLOLOLOL
Chris:its a song…
Mike:its a song called Do-Do?

Chris and Mike walked to henesys cab.

Chris:a twab!
Mike:what is a twab!?!?
Chris:thats a twab
Mike:damit boy! theres no pictures in this story! nor screen shots…so can u tell me whats a twab!?!?!?
Chris:a what car is a twab!
Mike:the author said its called a tab!
Bladez:its a CAB! C-A-B! CAB!
Chris:lets paint the white C-A-B pwink!
Mike:u foo! ots pink not pwink!

Chris and Mike blink and got killed by a holy arrow from Bladez

Bladez:b1tches r down! w00t!

-Dances like Michael Jackson for a victory dance-

15 thoughts on “stupid story chapter one and only”

  1. this is the dumbest way to get likes, ever, people on this site need skill for getting other people to like their blogs, not this kind of BULLSHlT

  2. How the hell is this on the front page? The person probably spent like 5mins on this story, while REAL authors spend hours on theirs, and theyend up getting pushed off for this crap.

  3. lolx, I love this. Who cares if it took 5 minutes? Some of the stories on here are too serious, we need sumbody to lighten it up. &but I kinda agree, some authors spend hours, but nobody cares, kinda upsetting. BTW: I love this =) It’s so cute.

    Lorie* <3

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