Even at level 46, Jr. Cellions give me about 0.0125% per kill. That’s not bad considering it only takes me 1 Cold Beam each! I transfer all my spare ores to other characters, and I’ve accumulated more than 40 garnet ores!
Speaking of which, I’ve got an extra sapphire. When I finally got to level 40, I immediately made 2 sapphires for the Alpha Platoon’s Network of Communication without realizingthat I’d have to trek halfway across the El Nath wilderness to deliver the jewels! So right now I’ve only talked to Staff Sergeant Charlie but haven’t given him anything yet because frankly, I don’t have room to carry a piece of map everywhere for ten more levels. I also have that old letter from Chief Stan to give to Dr. Kim because I never did that quest. I didn’t go to Omega Sector until level 40+, thinking that I’d die on the way down (which is why I waited so long to do that Another Day at Work quest with the 10 Roly-Polies.) I also have the Pink Mesoranger’s alarm clock because I never had enough room to take her 6 warp capsules (they take up 2 slots because three go to Ludi and 3 go to Omega). Grr…
And this swear filter thing really sucks. You can’t say “Cash items,” “accumulate,” “circumstances,” “SPOON,” or even “JAPAN.” Come on. Get real!
Well, that’s all for now. Cheers,
You missed a lot.
“. . . but it. . .”
etc etc. Nexon stinks! D<
You can’t say “documentary” either ;-;
Spoon? I get stuff like document, or accumulate, but spoon?
To “spoon” is to have smex I believe, or something along that line. You can kinda do that with all utensils: forking, colandering, spatulaing, etc.
And, uh, you can’t say blow either. And stuff like “got it” and “if u can” are really annoying when ya can’t say it. I wish GMS had SEA’s swear filter. ._.
Hm. It isn’t very much better, SEA’s filter, ‘cos it mangles your sentences if you get smacked by the ‘****’s, and you still need to retype everything out.
But yeah, it seems much better than GMS’. XD
Bah! I have a million quest items clogging up my inventory and I HATE IT!
We should get busy and get these stupid things done! D:<
*busy mode*
PartyLeader: You got the pass?
To Party: Yup, got it.
Nexon Popup: Cursing is not allowed.
To Party: Christ, what is up with this swear filter?
Nexon Popup: Cursing is not allowed.
To Party: Oh, so Chris’t is considered a swear now? So Nexon is outlawing Christmas? What next, Japan?
Nexon Popup: Cursing is not allowed.
Nexon Popup: Cursing is not allowed.
To Party:
To Nexon: Nuclear Launch Detected
Nexon Popup: Cursing is not allowed, even though that technically wasn’t a curse.
Lol In RRO, I get 1% from killing a monster and yet, I’m still too lazy to train
And oh yeah, the curse filter is so annoying -_-
roflmaoo @ganzi ;D
And, uh, you can’t say blow either. And stuff like “got it” and “if u can” are really annoying when ya can’t say it. I wish GMS had SEA’s swear filter. ._.”
Err, ew @ the utensils thing? -____- I’m scared of eating now.
To Party: Yup, got it.
Nexon Popup: Cursing is not allowed.
To Party: Christ, what is up with this swear filter?
Nexon Popup: Cursing is not allowed.
To Party: Oh, so Chris’t is considered a swear now? So Nexon is outlawing Christmas? What next, Japan?
Nexon Popup: Cursing is not allowed.
Nexon Popup: Cursing is not allowed.
To Party:
To Nexon: Nuclear Launch Detected
Nexon Popup: Cursing is not allowed, even though that technically wasn’t a curse.
Exactly. x33~~
“. . . but it. . .”
etc etc. Nexon stinks! D<“
Ha ha. You’re right. XD