Request to uncover the truth of NPC

I have been getting some request to uncover some truth behind NPC. I would like to say thanks to the readers and I am taking request. There are alot of NPC so if you want request you need to wait, yeeah i know it suck.3 blogs a day what can you do?

Ok im not going to do Olaf there almost nothing to uncover but he a know it all person. >:O

4 thoughts on “Request to uncover the truth of NPC”

  1. *begs benZON to do Shumi after Olaf*
    PWEASE! *puppy face* PLEASE! XD lol, XDPRETTY PLEASE! *~*

  2. do the Administrator thing, lol

    then do the guy giving away the tickets in subway

    then do dropship!

  3. Haha, I must say that I love your blogs =3 So creative.

    But meh~ What NPC? I say Heena. Don’t ask ^^;

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