According to the GameGaurd it says I hack
Someone IMed me on Trillion(Aim program) and it booted me off saying “An attempt to hack was made blabhlahblah”.
I was like. . . Waa Daa Foook. Ive been on Trillion and Maplestory hella times and it never booted me out.
THen I tried exiting Trillion and play maplestory. Booted me off AGIAN, that tiem I Alt+CTRL (Jump and shoot arrow), I was like. . . . Ive done this plenty of times so I guess i gotta stop.
Third time it just booted me off when I logged on.
Gamegaurd is being a tard right now. IM EFFIN 89%%%$#%
I r lvl 25 yayyyy
I got 9 red envelopes. . . .All 1k each.
That is all for today bye
legit is 4 squares
hackz 4twlolol
I’m sorry about the Gamegaurd problem. Restart computer maybe?
Sometimes Gamguard can rimmong weird.
Same with me sometimes. Sometimes with MS, always with Gunz.
pft maple always does one of those to make sure u dont get lulled into the security that maple actualyl WORKS lol
I think that means that someone is hacking u. cause i sometimes hack with another account(because i don’t want to get my my main acc. getting kicked out,that would suck like hell!)and i never see that sign only when im playing with my main acc.!