Happy birthdayyyy

Toooooo Meeeeeeee

Hello MMOtales!

I never blogged in a while so I might as well blog now

Im 16 years old and I feel tired. . .tired of school. School is going by really slow. The day is going by slow. It felt like a year passed since school started when its only the second week. This sucks.

I had my last birthday party last saturday. It was very fun. All my friends came and we just acted our selfs. we stayed at the park until like 10 at night. Then came to my place where all the adults are gambling (Typical party since Im asian). the gambling didnt stop till the next day, so I had to clean up >.>

Im lvl 22 in Lunia. I barely play Maplestory and play Lunia. I keep playing 2-10 so I can get ready for 3-10, I hear Daru is a cheap boss. He has 2 forms and I need to be at least lvl 25 to kill him. So thats what Im doing.

My ign is MadFluffy if ya want to add me.

The buddy system in Lunia is horrible. It doesnt even show up when someone is on, so alot of my friends coulda been on and I wasnt aware of it.

7 thoughts on “Happy birthdayyyy”

  1. Lolz happy birthday. I’mma be 16 in December, which coincidentally is the same month SSBB comes out. I’m looking more forward to the latter however.

  2. daru isn’t that hard, just he has an attack that does about 200(random guess) damage, and is almost unaoidable, so it is kinda cheap lol, but i cleared it as a seig at lvl 23, but you should get to 25 anyway, i lost all my lives right before he died, (like 1/5th of his life left) Oh, and ya at his 1st form, after you knock out half his hp, he transforms back to full lol

  3. I remember your birthday was coming soon (x

    You posted somewhere “Two days later . . . is my birthday” or something

    Happy birthday

  4. Happy birthday.

    Wait. You’re turning 16?! That’s old. XO Lol, just kidding. -ducks flamethrower- D:

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