well i practised drawing and I decided to dray a sniper. I think it sucks though. I’m not a good artist
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well i practised drawing and I decided to dray a sniper. I think it sucks though. I’m not a good artist
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Uh. . . Ok. . . Ah. . . well. . . <-<“
Worse than mine’s but still good! ^<^
Not bad, not bad at all
Whats with the eye o.O
lol told u it sucks XD
, Nice, but the face could use a bit more effort. And WHOA! Ease up with the sketch lines! For Hecting, you should use clean lines and closer together for a darker image, farther away for a ligher image.
at least it’s legit
L for legitalism
well, its better than what I can draw. It’s the effort that counts ^_^
It sucks I can draw worse
You dont have any right to say that. If you dont like it its ok but you dont have to say that!
harrybladder said: “It sucks I can draw worse”
You dont have any right to say that. If you dont like it its ok but you dont have to say that!”
Yea i agree with Fadox! if u don’t like it then don’t say anything.
the matter is not to say or dont say anything. you can express your agree or disagreeing opinion but as your parents teached you ( I hope ), MODALS, that’s the right way.
I’m gonna criticise here. It doesn’t suck. At all, but, you are missing out on some vital drawing techniques. The eyes, conjunctiva, the white part of your eye. The shoulder, is too, slumped. But the rest is good.
You need to practise more. That’s all.
Yeah don’t give up =D, when I started my draws suck like a dead rat! >.< But whit practice and effort you will get everywhere =)
It’s taught not teached and what the heck is MODALS? Are you trying to say Models? And yeah, I don’t like it o_O I’ve seen better and I could do better XD. Criticizism rocks! jk but you might wanna ease up on the sketch marks -_- and the eyes are way too small man. SMALL! Make em bigger and smoother -_-
Yeah don’t give up =D, when I started my draws suck like a dead rat! >.< But whit practice and effort you will get everywhere =)”
Lol, I’ve seen your drawings and they’re pretty good (could use some more work). Now it’s time to improve on your penmanship XD. Lol, when I looked at your drawings, lol the way you wrote the names were pretty well uhh. . . effortless. I can draw impressive anime cause of all the efforts. The finishing touch is the name and it doesn’t have to be crappy
Yeah don’t give up =D, when I started my draws suck like a dead rat! >.< But whit practice and effort you will get everywhere =)”
Lol, I’ve seen your drawings and they’re pretty good (could use some more work). Now it’s time to improve on your penmanship XD. Lol, when I looked at your drawings, lol the way you wrote the names were pretty well uhh. . . effortless. I can draw impressive anime cause of all the efforts. The finishing touch is the name and it doesn’t have to be crappy
ahahaha I know =P all my friends, my girlfriend my family says : You can draw like God but your handwritting ( penmanship?) SUCKS! I cant change it, it’s like the final “touch” on me xD =P try to understand =P havent changed in 17 years XP
Yeah don’t give up =D, when I started my draws suck like a dead rat! >.< But whit practice and effort you will get everywhere =)”
Lol, I’ve seen your drawings and they’re pretty good (could use some more work). Now it’s time to improve on your penmanship XD. Lol, when I looked at your drawings, lol the way you wrote the names were pretty well uhh. . . effortless. I can draw impressive anime cause of all the efforts. The finishing touch is the name and it doesn’t have to be crappy
ahahaha I know =P all my friends, my girlfriend my family says : You can draw like God but your handwritting ( penmanship?) SUCKS! I cant change it, it’s like the final “touch” on me xD =P try to understand =P havent changed in 17 years XP”
Lol, I’m 13 and man, I used to have such impressive handwriting when I was like 9 or was it 10? Then I compared it to when I turned 13. Dayum my handwriting got rough for abit. My brother said that your handwriting depends on your personality. o_O
EDIT – But I’m still proud that my handwriting is still awesome but it will never be the as beautiful as what it used to be
HAHAHAHA, HIS EYES! MAN, I love ur drawings!
I draw much worse.
the eyes are a little. . . . strange. i think u need to practice a little bit moer
0.0 dude.
thats frickin scary
no offense tho, you could use some lessons.
pretty good though I can do better no offence
No offense, but do you use a crayon when you draw?@_@ It’s all humungo and stuff, ><;;
I remembered I used to draw like that. =) I was like, 5,
ANYWAY @_@ Then I got better, and you will, too!
okay, it’s okay but you need it fix it up.
1. the eyes have pupils and iris, so you need to fix that up XD
2. guys have wide shoulders so you might want to fix that up too
3. people have bends in there knees! well, you don’t have to inculde that but sometimes it makes my pictures change from unrealistic to well, realistic.
just keep going at it, i suck at drawing, but some parts of my drawings i do like. XD
yay I sucked XD
Practice then come back