Ze Maple Blog

Hi there MMOT, it’s me again back from doing… well nothing except going to extra classes and playing Maple.Since so many things have been happening lately in Maplestory, I am just gonna list them

Oh yesh has anyone gone to see Ratatouille yet?

Ok let’s get started.

A. I did some charitable deeds and some nice things to random people. More about that later in the blog.

2. I met a new friend and I trained him to level 10 and bought him some equipment. It felt good training and helping someone in need of help. After all, we all needed help before and if there are still people who do things for others without anything in return except smile and a thank you, who knows what could possibly happen.

H: I leveled up ZOMG ZOMG ZOMG ZOMG! In 6 and a half months I finally got to level 44 with a total of 12.3 mil.

&: I lost my icarus cape becuse of that stupid dark scroll >:o. I really want a new Icarus cape ;_;.

Z: My Lama is scrolled! All with 100’s! My earrings are scrolled! All with 100’s! My new max damage (to sakura cellions) are about 1.75k damage!

6: I gave away my dark cleave to a girl who only had 13k. I felt sorta bad for her and gave it to her.

*: I’m getting NX this Friday!

9: No pics today sorry.

GODZEELA: Can anyone tell me if you can wear NX top and bottom over a mage overall?

$: Selling a 4 above average Petal staff

(: Go to this website. It’s extremely funny
And this one
And this one

Thanks for reading. Please answer my question before, can you wer NX top and bottom if you wear an overall?

So bye.

6 thoughts on “Ze Maple Blog”

  1. yesh it does and that was effin hilarious and yes yuo can wear a top and bottom nx with ovveralls

  2. The video was very funny. Yes, you can wear a NX top and bottom with an overall.

  3. Awesome, you’re getting NX. Now go awesome-ify (I don’t care if that’s not a real word.) your character.

    It’s nice to see that there are still other nice people out there, who actually take the time and bother to help those less fortunate. I hope more people can learn from your example. Hooray for chivalry!

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