6 thoughts on “My first attempt at a comic”

  1. Detailed review.
    (- = flaw, • = good, — = suggestion, base score = 7/10)

    – Panel sizes are inconsistent, overall it looks a little messier (-0.3)
    – GM’s faces are too expressionless in the middle of the comic (-0.2)
    – GMs are levitating at some parts- try to put them on the same level (-0.2)
    – Text is in weird areas, try to put it at consistent areas around the characters (-0.1)
    – Text is cut off at some parts (-0.1)
    – Overall layout could be more organized (-0.4)
    – Lack of backgrounds (-0.5)
    • Good, funny plot (+1)
    • Characters are well edited in, no white spaces clipping panel edges, text or characters (+1)
    • Original idea (+1)

    Overall Score : 8.2/10

    — Have the panels a uniform size, i.e. if read from L>R, have the height the same, T>B would be width the same
    — Panels should be an equal space apart in rows
    — If a word can’t fit in a line of text, put a – between two syllables and put the second part of the word in the next line
    — Backgrounds would be useful if the content of the comic would be enhanced by backgrounds (in some rare cases, it isn’t)
    — The “Yoink” could be just with a pair of asterisks or hyphens instead of a sign
    — Characters should use expressions more often in relation to their dialogue, unless the viewers know that a certain character uses them rarely
    — No need for a “The End”, it’s too cliche’d anyway
    — Copyright format should be similiar to “Copyright © (year) (name)”

  2. Ganzicus said: “Detailed review.
    (- = flaw, • = good, — = suggestion, base score = 7/10)

    – Panel sizes are inconsistent, overall it looks a little messier (-0.3)
    – GM’s faces are too expressionless in the middle of the comic (-0.2)
    – GMs are levitating at some parts- try to put them on the same level (-0.2)
    – Text is in weird areas, try to put it at consistent areas around the characters (-0.1)
    – Text is cut off at some parts (-0.1)
    – Overall layout could be more organized (-0.4)
    – Lack of backgrounds (-0.5)
    • Good, funny plot (+1)
    • Characters are well edited in, no white spaces clipping panel edges, text or characters (+1)
    • Original idea (+1)

    Overall Score : 8.2/10

    — Have the panels a uniform size, i.e. if read from L>R, have the height the same, T>B would be width the same
    — Panels should be an equal space apart in rows
    — If a word can’t fit in a line of text, put a – between two syllables and put the second part of the word in the next line
    — Backgrounds would be useful if the content of the comic would be enhanced by backgrounds (in some rare cases, it isn’t)
    — The “Yoink” could be just with a pair of asterisks or hyphens instead of a sign
    — Characters should use expressions more often in relation to their dialogue, unless the viewers know that a certain character uses them rarely
    — No need for a “The End”, it’s too cliche’d anyway
    — Copyright format should be similiar to “Copyright © (year) (name)””

    Holy Crap.



    Erm, did you get that idea from Epic Movie? o.o

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