The next chapter after this one will introduce the winner. Get your submissions in before then to get a late consideration!
Episode 4 The Return of the Paradox
Ryuu doubles over, panting, leaning against a large boulder on the valley floor. That takes care of the caps and teeth, he mutters. Ryuu takes a quick look at both of his hands, which are blackened with soot. Im not used to attacking the monsters directly like this.
Well all that we need to do now is to locate that Dragon Paradox, Ivy replies. Then we can finish gathering the materials for Ryuus new weapon!
Yeah, but we still dont know where well find one Kunai mutters, We dont even know where to start!
It probably might be a good idea for us to head into town first, Ayame adds, walking backwards to sit on the boulder next to Ryuu. She suddenly trips, and lands on her butt on the ground.
Both Ryuu and Kunai stare in an awkward silence while Ivy leans forward to help her sister up. Oops! Heh, heh Ayame mutters, rubbing her butt.
Yes, well Ryuu mumbles, What town did you have in mind, Ayame? Weve no idea where we are or where were headed.
Well, Ayame replies, Redley mentioned this Skylark City. By the way he mentioned it, I doubt its very far from here. We could probably head there and see if theres any news of a Dragon Paradox roaming around.
Good idea, Kunai answers, We could probably get a pretty good idea where to look if we head there.
A great whirl of wind suddenly stirs in the undisturbed silence of the night, as a great hulking black shape flies past the drifting clouds overhead, momentarily eclipsing the moon and drowning the land in darkness.
With a strange, mournful cry, the shape then disappears, leaving the land in peaceful tranquility again, allowing the moon to shed its weak light over the bent valleys.
What the hell was that? Kunai cries out loud, looking up into the empty sky, searching for a trace of the monster in the air.
Im not sure, Ryuu replies, But I have a hunch. Lets head into town first.
Kunai, Ryuu, Ayame, and Ivy all step up at once to an archway, built upon a small dais. Standing on either side of the archway are two guards, each wearing a black cloak uniform, armed with a stun gun.
Behind the archway is a highly modernized city, with tall skyscrapers rising up high into the air, each tiny window in the depths of the tower lit with a faint yellow glow. The roads are paved neatly with tar, and several cars drive by nightclubs lit with music and light.
Kunai turns and reads a sign over the archway: Welcome to Skylark City. Population: 102,346. Hm so this is Skylark City, huh? Pretty extravagant looking place.
Halt! the guards cry as the four of them approach.
Kunai stops in puzzlement, staring from one guard to the other. Um hi, is something the matter?
This city is currently on Twenty-Four Hour Paradox Watch. Only citizens with a Residence Card may enter the depths of this city. Until then, visitors must pass a screener test for admittance. However, you are restricted to roaming only the Downtown District, the guard on the right cries.
I see, Ryuu growls, So it seems like this city takes their Paradox attacks seriously. Fine, were not residents of this city, so well take the test.
Kunai rubs his arm, where a cotton ball has been taped to. Boy, these guys take their security pretty seriously, dont they? Making us take a ID, DNA, and blood test all at once
I suppose the DNA test was to make sure we were actually human, Ayame replies, And not Paradoxes disguised as humans.
Ivy suddenly sighs and collapses onto the ground on her knees. Kunai lunges forward in surprise and grabs her by the shoulders before she slumps to the ground. Ivy! You all right?
Ayame bends over Ivy and flicks open her closed eyelids, examining them for a moment. Hm it seems shes just worn out. As far as I can tell, its nothing serious. We should think about finding somewhere to stay and rest first.
Are you sure weve got the luxury of resting? Every little bit of time we have is important, Ryuu replies.
I dont think weve got a choice, Ryuu, Ayame replies seriously, Were all pretty fatigued from everything thats happened in the last twenty-four hours or so. Even if we find the Dragon Paradox now, we dont have the strength to fight it.
I suppose it cant be helped then, Ryuu growls.
The four of them resume walking down the dark streets, peering interestedly at each business they pass by. Eventually, the buildings begin growing taller and taller, until they are walking in the midst of a forest of skyscrapers.
Ryuu suddenly stops at the front door of one of these towers. A hotel? he mutters, peering into the depths of the brightly lit lobby inside.
The four of them step into the cool, air-conditioned lobby, gawking at their surroundings as Ryuu leads them to the front desk.
Kunai stares stupidly from side to side, his mouth slightly opened as he takes in his exotic surroundings. Wow Ive never seen such high-tech stuff before! The Night World must be so much more advanced than Victoria Island.
Close your mouth, Kunai, Ayame mutters behind him, We want to keep a low profile. Dont reveal to anyone that youre not from the Night World.
Ryuu stops as he reaches the front desk, and speaks to the clerk behind it. Yeah, can I get a room for the four of us?
The clerk nods, as she begins typing in her computer. Okay. Weve got several rooms available. Please tell me your names, so that I may enter them into the database.
Ryuu, Ryuu growls, and these three are Kunai, Ayame, and Ivy.
Okay, thatll be 2000 Credits, the clerk replies.
Er credits? Ryuu mumbles awkwardly. He glances over to Ayame and Kunai behind him.
Damn, we dont have their currency I guess asking if they accept mesos is a no, Kunai thinks to himself.
Ryuu quickly draws Kunai, Ayame, and Ivy away, turning to them momentarily. We dont have any credits, Ryuu mutters. What are we going to do?
Kunai shrugs. He turns back to the clerk. Uh, we dont have any money can we work it off?
Ryuu turns to Kuna, staring at him lamely. Anybody couldve done that
The clerk shrugs. You dont have any credits? I see would you happen to be Paradox Hunters? We give free discounts to any Hunters who show up at our hotel.
Um no, were not, Kunai mutters.
Ryuu grinds his teeth irritably, stamping Kunais foot harshly. Shut up, you moron! Ill do the talking from now on, he growls into Kunais ear.
Ryuu turns back to the girl at the desk. Let me rephrase that were not Hunters, but were interested in signing up as Paradox Hunters.
Okay! Ill just need you to fill out some paperwork the clerk replies.
She hands Ryuu a pen and several lengthy-looking sheets of paper. Ryuu reluctantly takes the sheets and glances through them. Ugh paperwork
A ranger suddenly passes by, and peers over curiously at the four of them. He abruptly shouts out loud as he catches a glimpse of Ryuu. Whoa! Its the famous actor, Apple!
Ryuu turns to the ranger, blinking in confusion. Suddenly a vein pops in his forehead. WHO ARE YOU CALLING AN APPLE?!
Huh? Arent you that famous actor, commonly known as Apple? the ranger inquires, his knees shaking slightly in Ryuus rage.
Apple? Kunai blinks. What kind of actor calls themselves Apple?
Oh, so youre not Apple? the ranger asks Ryuu. Shame Im his biggest fan.
No, Ryuu replies, as he finishes filling out the forms by inputting his signature with a flourish. He hands the forms back to the hotel clerk. Were Paradox Hunters.
Paradox Hunters, eh? the ranger replies. He smiles suddenly, and stretches his hand outwards to shake Ryuus. Same here. My names Devon.
Ryuu suddenly starts in surprise, as he stares into Devons eyes. Your your right eye
Devon places a hand up to his right eye, chuckling slightly. Haha, so you noticed, huh? Ive never had anyone realize that I was a Hybrid so quickly before. Yeah, Ive been attacked by a Paradox once before. Im a Ranger and Fire Mage Hybrid.
Wait, so youre a Paradox Hunter too? Kunai asks, stepping forth. Would you happen to know anything about a Dragon Paradox in this area? Im Kunai, by the way.
And Im Ivy, Ivy adds.
Ayame, Ayame concludes.
Nice to meet you all, Devon smiles, turning to each person in turn as they introduce themselves. A Dragon Paradox, you ask? Yeah of course, thats why Skylarks on a twenty-four hour watch. Its a pretty popular bounty right now, just about every Hunter in towns after it.
And you? Ryuu growls.
No different for me. Im after that Paradox myself. Theres a pretty hefty reward for its head, Devon replies. So if you guys are getting any ideas forget about it, that Paradox is mine.
I see, Ryuu replies, So Paradox Hunting is a pretty competitive business.
No kidding, Devon retorts, There are some pretty vicious Hunters as well, out there. Theyd do anything to get their kill.
Well, can you at least tell us if the Dragon Paradox is around these parts? Kunai asks.
The Dragon Paradox is currently circling around this area, Devon answers, It shows up when it wants to, and its a pretty vicious one at that. You rookie Hunters are better off sticking to Paradoxes with maybe fifty, hundred credits on its head.
No, Ryuu growls, We need its claw to make a weapon with Redley. Theres no way at all that were letting it go without a fight.
I see, Devon replies, Well then, I guess I cant stop your intentions. Dont say I didnt warn you, though! Youll find that a lot of Hunters are after this particular Paradox, so dont even think about letting your guard down! Devon suddenly draws an arrow and strings his Asianic Bow with it. The arrow catches fire suddenly, as he holds it in place.
Heh, Ryuu growls, grinning maniacally, I think maybe youre the one thats underestimating me. He holds up his hand, and creates a whirling charged ball of blue, red, and yellow. Im no pushover.
The five of them, Kunai, Ryuu, Ayame, Ivy, and Devon, turn as loud screaming suddenly pierces the previously quiet night scene outside. The moonlight outside flickers for a moment as something large eclipses the moon.
Paradox! Ryuu and Devon cry as one.
Next Time: Episode 5 The Three Hunters, The Lone Hunter, and The Hunted
Ryuu: Competitive indeed. Theres a lot of Paradox Hunters here.
Kunai: Lets get this Paradox!
Ayame: It wont be easy. Weve got trouble other than the Paradox!
Episode 5 The Three Hunters, The Lone Hunter, and The Hunted coming soon!
‘Member back on Happy Mapling before you banned me, I said I’d keep up with Tales of a Lost Phoneme? Well. . yeah I lied
only got as far as chapter 4. . that got 52 chapters more, and you’ve done like 7 other things besides it,
Three eyed o.O
I really meant it when I was asking for a deadline for the submission. *shakes head and sighs* Nvm, you got the joy of reading my shoddy and long-winded work. XD
I see a HUNTER! XD GO bowmen!