Tales of a Lost Phoneme (36)

Episode 36 To The Skies Again, A Fate Decided!

All is completely silent except for the soft humming of the ship as it sails through the skies, large herds of puffy white clouds zooming by all the time.

Kunai sits worriedly on a wooden chair next to Ivy, who is laying down on a soft feather bed, eyes closed. A wet towel is placed over her forehead as she lays unconscious.

Kunai is sitting deep in a trance, inside a small cabin on the ship. As the ship occasionally sways, he does nothing but sit, staring absently into space, his eyes wholly absent of life.

Ryuu suddenly emerges at the doorway of the cabin, knocking on the door to announce his arrival. Kunai jerks out of his trance, staring vaguely up at Ryuu.

“Heh,” Ryuu mutters, “I remember once a long time ago when we were sitting in very similar circumstances. Remember that day?”

“Of course I remember,” Kunai sighs, “that was the day we met Ivy.” His eyes stray over to Ivy as she rests on her bed as he speaks.

Ryuu takes an empty wooden chair and takes a seat on it next to Kunai. He stretches lazily and peers over at Kunai reassuringly. “Don’t worry, Kunai. The Alpha Platoon’s got a doctor on board. We’ll have him check up on Ivy.”

“Ryuu…Ivy was attacked by the Triplicate,” Kunai murmurs shakily, “so it’s no use…she’s going to become a Paradox herself now, isn’t she?”

“That may or may not happen,” Ryuu says worriedly. “The Paradox transformation doesn’t happen overnight. It takes a long time for the parasitic mutation to take place. The host could remain human for days, weeks.”

“What does it matter?” Kunai asks. “She’s still gonna become a Paradox in the end.”

“We can always look for a cure,” Ryuu replies. “A method, some way, somehow to cure her. I’ll help you look for one, Kunai. We won’t let her become a Paradox.”

“That’s right…” Kunai mutters suddenly. “You watched Ayame become a Paradox too, didn’t you? This must bring back a lot of memories…”

“Not really,” Ryuu answers, “Ayame disappeared right after she was attacked the second time. No one really knows what happened to her during her mutation process.”

“Even so, you can’t deny that…you’re a little shaken up by Ivy getting attacked,” Kunai replies.

“Yeah, that I won’t deny,” Ryuu replies. “I’ll admit, I’m very shaken up.”

Arai suddenly enters the room followed by a man in a white coat. The man has neatly combed black hair, and wears a pair of glasses and a pair of white latex gloves on his hands.

“Everybody, this is Dr. Paul. He is the Alpha Platoon’s doctor and he will be checking up on Ivy today,” Arai says as the two of them enter the room.

Dr. Paul scurries up to Ivy’s bedside and withdraws from one of the pockets of his coat a stethoscope. He equips it on himself, placing the other end on Ivy’s chest.

He listens to it for a moment, but a frown slowly appears on his face. Kunai watches anxiously as the doctor’s frown widens. “What’s wrong, Doctor?” Kunai asks immediately.

“I don’t seem to hear a heartbeat,” Dr. Paul whispers. He shakes his head, and reaches under the covers of the bed and draws out Ivy’s hand. He places his fingers on her wrist, checking for a pulse. “No pulse, either.”

Kunai remains silent, staring forward into space, his jaw quivering slightly. Ryuu remains silent as well, expressionless and with no reaction. He sits with his legs crossed on his chair, staring away from the scene.

Arai stands furthest away from the others, leaning against the wall of the cabin and staring in observed silence at the doctor and Ivy.

The doctor then reaches forward and lifts up Ivy’s right eyelid, staring into her eye. He takes a quick intake of breath as he sees the eye, where a third pupil has appeared. There is also a yellowish tinge in her eye.

“What’s that yellow stuff?” Kunai asks nervously, staring at the eye.

“It is the Paradox mutation taking place before your eyes. When the mutation completes, that eye shall become completely yellow,” Dr. Paul answers.

“Doctor…is there any cure?” Kunai asks, struggling to keep his voice steady.

“There is, as of now, no cure for Paradox mutation. We cannot even slow down the process, but allow it to run its natural course,” Dr. Paul replies.

“How long until the mutation completes itself? How long have we got to find a cure?” Kunai asks anxiously.

“The mutation period differs from person to person, but it generally lasts about three to six weeks. However, there is no need for you to find a cure,” Dr. Paul replies. Ryuu and Arai momentarily turn to stare at Kunai, then look away just as quickly.

“And…why not?” Kunai asks, his voice very low.

“Because this girl has passed away.”

Kunai does not reply, but remains extremely silent, staring down at the floor as if he had not heard the doctor. Ryuu reaches forward and places a firm hand on Kunai’s shoulder, patting it heavily.

Kunai reaches forward and pushes Ryuu’s hand away, his head still lowered. He then proceeds to walk out of the cabin, letting the door softly slam shut behind him.

Dr. Paul turns to Ryuu in slight surprise, sadness gleaming in his eyes. “You might as well have announced his own death sentence,” Ryuu growls.

Night slowly falls as the sun sinks far off in the distance. A soft blue evening ensues, as a few stars begin to twinkle in the still darkening sky. The air is humid and heavy, as Kunai sits on the railing of the ship, staring off into space, the newly risen moon reflected in his eyes.

Far off, in the distance, looms the towering form of Ludibrium. The moon hovers just above it, giving it an eerie, incandescent glow.

Ryuu approaches Kunai from behind, placing his hand on his shoulder. Kunai turns and slides off the railing, placing his back against it and leaning on it. “Ryuu…don’t try to comfort me.”

“I’m not going to,” Ryuu replies in a soft growl.

Kunai’s eyes widen momentarily, as he stares into Ryuu’s hardened face. Kunai then looks away down at the floor, slightly ashamed. “What did you want then?”

“I’m here to give you advice. I’m here to tell you that it’s not over,” Ryuu answers, “I’m here to tell you that even if she is dead, we still have a mission to complete, and you mustn’t forget it. We still have to defeat the Triplicates and eventually the Myougun no matter what.”

“I understand, Ryuu…” Kunai mutters, “but do you have to be so…?”

“Heartless?” Ryuu finishes for him. “It’s okay to mourn, but we are not allowed to. We have a job to finish no matter what the cost or what happens.”

Kunai nods, but does not reply. Instead, he turns and watches the approaching Ludibrium in the distance, lit up by the glow of the moonlight.

“Tell me,” Ryuu mutters, “how close did you two really get?”

“Pretty close,” Kunai mumbles. “Pretty close…”

Ryuu chuckles suddenly. He gazes off into the sky as well, his eyes slightly foggy for a moment. “Heh, whenever I looked at you two, I saw myself and Ayame. The good times we had…”

Ryuu suddenly shakes his head, serious once again. “At any rate, there’s one thing that can never be taken away if you choose not to. That’s the memories. They’ll never be able to take away her memory.”

“Yeah. You’re right,” Kunai replies.

“Kunai…” Ryuu mutters suddenly.

Kunai looks up, slightly worried at Ryuu’s tone of voice. “What is it?”

“At least you didn’t have to see her become what Ayame has become.”


Ryuu sighs and leaves, walking away down the ship back into one of the inner cabins. Kunai turns and watches him go, then shakes his head, turning back to face the moon. He clenches his teeth frustratingly, and slams his fist into the railing, creating a small dent in it.

Kunai picks up his bags and equipment, equipping Myou on his right hand. It is a bright day, early in the morning as the sun still begins to rise from the ground.

Kunai turns and stares as Ryuu carries his own bags and leaps off the ship at Ludibrium Station. Kunai follows afterwards. Arai follows slowly after, helping several of the Alpha Platoon’s men carry a wooden coffin down off the ship.

Kunai sniffs slightly as he sees the closed coffin. Arai lays it on the ground in front of them and sighs, clapping his hands together. “Well, we’re here in Ludibrium. Next thing to do is give Ivy her proper burial.”

Next Time: Episode 37 Unsealed Time

Episode 37 Unsealed Time coming soon!

5 thoughts on “Tales of a Lost Phoneme (36)”

  1. Wow, 36 episodes already, how do you do it?!

    You must have loads of ideas. . . >.<“
    Well written!

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