Intro to Surixin Dekira: LAD

In other news, I will be taking an extended break from the Phoneme series, which means Tales of a Lost World will not be released anytime soon. Yes, this is a trick of mine to build suspense for the series.

Anyway, what will I be doing in the meantime? I will be working on a rewrite of the Surixin series, an original series that I’d been working on before MMOTales, before Tales of a Lost Phoneme.

The original was entitled Surixin: Wings of Light Eyes of Dark, and consisted of 25 chapters centering around the story of one boy from a long-dead clan whose destiny was to take revenge on Victoria Island for an injustice done to his clan many years ago. In fact, my good friend Crayon has already posted the first 3 chapters of the original on this site.

Well, in the meantime while my fan(s?) wait for ToaLW, I shall be working on Surixin. =] Anyway, from now on I will begin working on Surixin and come back to the Phoneme series another time. If you wish to read the entire completed original version of Surixin: Wings of Light, Eyes of Dark in its entirety, you may find them in the fanfic sections of and Thank you.

Disclaimer: All characteristics in this work of fan-made fiction attributing to the online MMORPG known as MapleStory does not belong to me and in no way do I take any credit for its creation. MapleStory belongs to Nexon Corporation and Wizet, which in no way do I claim any affiliation whatsoever other than as a player of its game MapleStory. All works NOT attributing to MapleStory in this work of fan-made fiction belong solely to me, the author, AznRiceFan. Any reproduction or distribution of this fan-made fiction is NOT allowed on or off the Internet without expressed written consent from me.

Rating: 14+ for blood/gore violence, minor coarse language, minor sexual references, and otherwise minor inappropriate behavior

Genre: Action / Romance / Drama / Comedy

Surixin Dekira: Light Against Dark
A remake of the original Surixin: Wings of Light, Eyes of Dark
Written By AznRiceFan,
RIFT Productions


Once upon a time, there existed a mighty clan in the world of Maple who was known as the Dekira. Their long-dead ancestors fought valiantly for the people of Victoria. However, as is oft with happy times, their time came to an end.

Very long ago, there arose a mighty Crimson Balrog that the Dekira could not slay. Many lost their lives. Those who remained alive, banished the Dekira from amongst them. The Dekira Clan that once prospered on Victoria Island…was no more.

And so the Dekira came to Ossyria, a land where they have hid in to this day, secretly lusting for the revenge that they seek, for the injustice that had been done. However, little has brought this exiled clan hope.

Then the remaining children of those pure of Dekira blood were born. Those children, were the slim hope their people had hoped for. And one of them…bore the name light and dark.

His name was Surixin, and this is the tale of his rise to power, in his quest, to avenge his family.


Here is the current character profile list, which will also introduce you to some of the newer characters that I’ve added. Some of the terms are new to the series, they will be explained in detail in due time. Also, keep in mind that this version of Surixin will be split into 3 parts which will take place over the course of 4 years when all’s said and done, so characters WILL grow older, level up, etc., etc.

Character Profiles

Surixin Dekira
Class: Rogue
Weapon: Meba
Age: 13
Birthday: 4 Feb
Height: 5’4”
Weight: 102 lbs
Hair: Black
Eyes: Black
Personality: Aloof, cold, serious, vengeful, independent
Surixin was second-born of the Dekira Hope Generation, following Kage, born eight years before him. Though Kage has progressed into power much quicker than him thanks to the head start, much is expected of Surixin, since he bears the legendary Dekira name, which means both light and dark.
Surixin, as well as his third-born Dekira Hope Generation sister Truea, is under the care of his uncle, Yuan Dekira, who looks after him as both teacher and father. Currently, Surixin and Truea journey under the training of their powerful uncle, learning the ways of the Dekira even as war begins to break between the Dekira Clan and Victoria Island again.

Lilly Hope
Class: Cleric
Weapon: Thorns
Age: 14
Birthday: 6 June
Height: 5’5”
Weight: 99 lbs
Hair: Black
Eyes: Hazel
Personality: Caring, kind, friendly, intelligent
A young aspiring cleric, Lilly is part of Platoon 86, a small four-man unit of Squadron A-17 of Victoria Island, led by Dances With Balrog. Her job is to care for her friends—Ashn and Iiam, and primarily her boyfriend, Radus as they run missions and fight in skirmishes against the Dekira in the war.
Though her orders were to capture and kill the Dekira Hope Generation, Lilly believes that she can turn them around in a peaceful solution, and though many scoff at her ideals, there are also many who support it.

Kylis Render
Class: Hunter
Weapon: Red Viper
Age: 13
Birthday: 3 Apr
Height: 5’6”
Weight: 114 lbs
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Green
Personality: Witty, sarcastic, friendly, eager, selfish, foolish
Kylis is part of the legendary Render Clan on Victoria Island. Though not as prestigious as the Dekira once were, there are none that doubt that the Render Clan is a powerful one. The youngest soldier of the Render Clan, Kylis was sent to the Kerning Training Academy under the care of the Dark Lord to become stronger.
Though he has no actual real-life battle experience, Kylis is eager to end his training and head to the battlefield to join his older brother Iiam in the war against the Dekira.

Yuan Dekira
Class: Hermit
Weapon: Casters
Age: 29
Birthday: 11 Oct
Height: 5’11”
Weight: 154 lbs
Hair: Black
Eyes: Black
Personality: Laid-back, philanderer, charming, fun-loving, friendly, flirtatious
Though Yuan is not of the Dekira Hope Generation, it still cannot be doubted that he is powerful. The older mentor in the Dekira Clan to Surixin and Truea, Yuan is responsible for handling their development into possible candidates to defeat those on Victoria Island.
Yuan also occasionally works with his close friend Kage, who is responsible for running most of the military action against Victoria’s forces.

Truea Dekira
Class: Rogue
Weapon: Garnier
Age: 9
Birthday: 19 Dec
Height: 4’9”
Weight: 68 lbs
Hair: Black
Eyes: Black
Personality: Distant, quiet, shy, disciplined, pessimistic, grudging
Truea is the lastborn of the Dekira Hope Generation, following her older brother Surixin and the clan’s most powerful member, Kage. Though still very young, the Dekira have already begun training her for battle in hopes of strengthening their forces.
However young she is still, many in the Dekira look up to the pure lineage in her blood to help deliver the prosperity the Dekira once possessed back to the clan.

Radus Will
Class: Crusader
Weapon: Doombringer
Age: 17
Birthday: 29 Jul
Height: 5’9”
Weight: 166 lbs
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue
Personality: Friendly, stubborn, eager, strong-willed, arrogant
Radus, designated leader of Platoon 86 of Squadron A-17, has a lot of weight to carry on his shoulders—not that he isn’t eager or that he minds. The often cocky leader of Platoon 86 will stop at nothing to succeed at his mission and bring glory to his Platoon by defeating the Dekira Clan.

Ashn “Ashes” Vicerius
Class: Hermit
Weapon: Black Scarab
Age: 19
Birthday: 18 Nov
Height: 5’11”
Weight: 132 lbs
Hair: Black
Eyes: Gray
Personality: Cool, laid-back, bored, unfriendly, loyal
The Hermit behind Platoon 86, Ashn, nicknamed Ashes for the way he seems to burn his opponents, is responsible for stealth and look-out duties, spying, and attacking without warning. Ashn can prove to be a valuable and loyal partner to work with, but often acts apathetic and uncaring.

Iiam Render
Class: Ranger
Weapon: Blue Hinkel
Age: 18
Birthday: 30 Aug
Height: 5’9”
Weight: 147 lbs
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Green
Personality: Friendly, nice, thoughtful, gullible, foolish
Iiam, the older brother of Kylis and the renowned prodigy of the Render Clan, rounds out Platoon 86 with his thoughtful intuition and intelligent input. His skill with the bow and gift to manipulate wind make him a valuable ally to their cause, and though he doesn’t necessarily seek to kill the Dekira Hope Generation, he is willing to do it to help his close friends Radus and Ashn.

Kage Dekira
Class: Hermit
Weapon: Casters
Age: 21
Birthday: 1 Nov
Height: 5’10”
Weight: 144 lbs
Hair: Black
Eyes: Black
Personality: Mysterious, secretive, thoughtful, analytical
The prodigy of the Dekira Clan known as Kage is the clan’s number one hope for defeating the Victorians. His strength, speed, and control make him a powerful asset to any team. Kage usually maintains a high-mounted curtain about himself, though he is definitely willing to lend a helping hand if it means helping his clan gain one step closer to achieving victory.

5 thoughts on “Intro to Surixin Dekira: LAD”

  1. er,
    xD its very long and confusing,
    but i think ill like it, >_>



  2. HEY cool WTH!?!?!



    thats seriously not funny!

    =D it seems very fun, but please write TalesOfALostWorld, looking forward to it!

    CheerioHappiness♥ <—–THE REAL ONE! JEEZ!

    i didnt read a single word .__.
    hehehe brownies

  4. I began reading Tales of a Lost Phoneme, a while ago. I promise I’ll continue reading it as soon as I have the time, because you really are a great writer. =D I want to read this new story of yours!

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