Summoning bags… Are they legal?

Hey, I just got back from mapling non-stop for eh. *Stares at clock* 6 hours? No, I did not do that straight. I slept while leaving my comp on. And I died. Not in real life.In Maple. And don’t give me that stupid glare.*Stares back at whoever who’s staring at me.* Stupid summoning bags.

My question for this blog is, I wonder if Summoning bags are legal..?

I mean, you won’t get banned for summoning, but it’s really… dumb. You have the “power” in your hands to actually kill people. Mean >.<.>
Well, anyway, my friend, whispered to me that he just gachaed a Balrog summoning bag. He asked me whether I wanted to see him summon the balrog at Kerning. Cruel >.> But i agreed.

Anyway, the summoning went well, a few people died, and it made a 102 DK die! FTW summoning bags! Lols.

Well, my point of this blog is, are summoning bags really legal?

I mean, you can kill people with that! It’s like Pandora’s box, except it’s a bag and it realeases monsters. *Stares angrily at the bag*

Oh, anyway, I quitted my sin. The mesos were transferred to my new magician! =)). It’s a male. Lols. I just hate those “Will you be my girlfriend?” questions. Well, I wonder if anybody will ask “Will you be my bf?” I wonder what I’ll say. “I’m a girl?” O_o.

Anyway, there’s always trouble in paradise. Holidays may be fun, but for me, it’s hell. Yep, hell. No fun. Staring at the screen… WAIT A MINUTE! WHO WROTE THIS? HOLIDAYS ARE FUN!!

*Scribbles and erases madly*

Anyway, there’s always fun in hell. Holidays may sound dumb, but for me, IT’S BETTER THAN HOLIDAYS!! What’s better than holidays? Eh…

Anyway, Here’s a blueberry cookie for you guys. ^^. If you didn’t read the front, … No cookie for you. Lolx.

By the way, this isn’t the end. *Hides Sapphire slain behind back*

Let’s shake hands. To.. eh.. well never mind.

~Never let go of your friends, and also your password.

14 thoughts on “Summoning bags… Are they legal?”

  1. Lol. I really hate summoning bags! People think it’s funny to go kill newbies with them (>_<#)

    I guess they are legal, otherwise why would they be available in game?

  2. e only ppl hu r really safe r e clerics n priests [if dey haf a decent amt of mp pots]. dey dun even haf 2 bother bout e monsters lol

  3. I dont kill noobs because its not fair on them so i kiled a hermit, cleric, and asassin

  4. archer1962 said: “I dont kill noobs because its not fair on them so i kiled a hermit, cleric, and asassin”

    Killing noobs are actually better then killing pros. Why? Because if you killed a noob that was let’s say level 10 and below without job advancement then they wouldn’t lose any exp. But for the pro’s, once you kill them they have to gain it back. But it’s still fun to kill people.


  5. ‘Can I be your BF.’
    ‘Sure. Hope you don’t mind that I’m a guy.’

    That’s what you should say.

  6. lol tombstone rain
    my record summon bag kill was 10 kills by one bag of toy trojans and robots XD. i posed as a noob wearing the beginner stuff, set the bags off, jumped to a safe place and laughed my ass off as the poor beginners got killed around me!
    and the best part: they had no idea it was me! XD

  7. The pandora’s box reference was nice. Good question, I never thought of s-bags that way.

  8. Rokuji said: “Eh, hermits and assassins deserved to be summoned on. Others, no. <_<“

    HEYHEY .Ima sin !

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