Lol Hi again,
Well, i’m still sick X_x( I was sick on Sunday) and I’m going to school tommarrrow*Shakes fist at sky madly* . But yeah, anyways I’m getting off topic ;_;. How much would you consider to much advils
? Since sometimes I tend to take alot DX.I know it ain’t good for you but it does make you feel so much better @_@. And sadly my hermit and Dk got hacked last month. But I started a new Bandit ^^ I bought it some Nx before the REV. Sadly after the GG REV 1000, maple story isn’t working on this desktop. (;_
. I sure hope once I get my Laptop back(hopefuly this week) it’ll work D:. But yeah Great day/night to you all.
PS how do i look ( i got 5k left what should I do with it?)
All posts by YukiXThief
T_T how do i do this?
Hey MMOtalers!
Hi again, yeah it’s me “Snow Thief” just asking a question like alwaysXD hahahha so yeah my question is. . . how could I take a SS(screenshot) of maple on a laptop since my laptop doesn’t have that button.(T_T) The reason why I ask this is since I have been reading some forums about people leaving, getting hacked or have been forced to quit by their parents*rawr*. Since you never know what happens in life I would like to start now making memories in maple story and in life as well by treasuring every moment I get to live,laugh and love. So if anyone of you knows how to do this specific task, could you help me please? So I can start keeping my memories for my future years to come with or without maple.
Thanks for you time,
Best wishes&Happy mapling
pic one is my character XD yeah i got an afro
ζSnow Thiefζ
yay i got a siggy!XD
So yeah thanks to Glac and nobody i have made a new siggy XD thanks to all who helped hhahaha well anyways happy mapling
ζSnow Thiefζ
Hey yall ^^;
So yeah Im knew *cheers* so hows MMO tales these days? Since I did make this account acouple of months ago and just haven’t gotten the time to write things down… but I love reading the forumsXD. Its just so amazing to see we have so many brillant writers on the forum, congrats to you guys :p. As well I here waffle is back? Who is this waffle? Anyways before i go off rambling off to something off topic I would like to ask how where your guy’s day?
Now im off to dinner so thanks for reading the blog and bye for now i will be back.
(ps.sorry for any grammer/spelling mistakes lol i hope i spelt grammer right)