All posts by windiachick

My day in RL

Hey guys.

Well, today was … toadyish o.O

Um…My parents screamed at each other this morning, I had to watch my sister, Sarah. Lol, the devil.

Uh…lalalala, violin practice with my accompanist, aka my piano teacher. My death sentence is released; I finally get the internet today.

Read some blogs, found out my ex-bf’s name was in one of them o.O. btw, he’s on msn right now. Still missing Kevin. read more

Romeo and Juliet ~ Part One

I’m super bored, and ran out of ideas for my story, so I wrote this instead


Our story begins
With two feuding families.
Capulet and Montague,
Both can’t agree on one thing.

What does it take to end their hate?
Thus the story,
Romeo and Juliet,
The two star-crossed lovers.


Sampson and Gregory,
Two servants of Old Capulet,
Were thirsty for trouble,
With their swords drawn out. read more

Chapter Two: Raging Memories

Sorry this chapter is out so late, I’ve been quite moody


Paris paused and took in the information. Scanning the pages once more, he thought, This must be the book the poem mentions! The answer to the mysterious death must lie within this book! A rush of excitement tingled through his spine. His first Quest was within his grasp. Taking another deep breath, he began to read the next part, until… read more

Who Am I?

Very depressed and moody today, so I decided to express my feelings here.

Me. Who am I?

I’m a different person to different people. To some of my friends, I’m an immature kid. To someone else, I might be mature. When I’m around people, I feel like I’m wearing a mask. I never get to show my real self.

Flame me for this, but I am afraid of rejection from my friends, ever since that incident in Gr. 5. I was stupid, I was an idiot. I lost my best friends over some stupid argument. Now, I’m afraid. I act cautious, I go defensive, I hide the real me. read more

Chapter One: An Angel from Heaven

□ғaміliaя scєиє□

The snow was falling down gently, covering the ground with fluffy snow. Not a sound was heard. The streets of El Nath were deserted. A cloud of silence hovers over the snowy town. Today marked to 100th anniversary of a death. A death the villagers could not remember.

Young Paris travels through the snow, dragging himself across the barren field. On his head sat a Pifler, its black colour stained with blood. He winces as the wind blows into his broken arm, and feels the weight of his Blood Avarice. Shivering, he tramples over the field, leaving nothing but a trail of blood. read more

Renome Vs. Map1eholic

First of all, this is not to insult any of you. I will try and attempt to be a diplomatic ambassador here.

Please, you two, you are bickering like a married couple. YES, LIKE A MARRIED COUPLE.

I will state why I think each person’s comments are “true” to me.

Renome’s points:

Renome : Yeah ppl should feel sorry for me, being someone who is never taken as a friend and is always gone against just cause no1 ever beleives me cause of my insufficeint proof, koca your always saying how MS is not really important and in other u say how your so pisse dof czause your mom made u delete it, and u also watse of 150 in NX (said by u) and you have your BF’s in MS -_- read more

Bored…So I wrote a Bio

Uh…I’m bored, so I decided to tell about myself. For all you stalkers out there, you might not stalk me, cuz I’m not like super great looking anyways. Actually, I don’t think I even look good o.O Yeah, I’m bored.

Name: Serena
Age: 1xx jk, 13
B-day: May 18th (muhaha, now you have to give me presents)
Heritage: Chinese, Canto read more

Prolouge: A Drop of Blood

Author’s Note:

I didn’t come up with a title for this story because:
1) I wouldn’t be able to fit it.
2)No real title really fits this story

I was inspired by SilverFx to write with more detail.


The once white marble castle was stained with blood. A horrific incident occurred not long ago. Not far from the castle, a girl limps across the snow fields of El Nath, her blood staining the pure white snow. Pausing for only a second, she looks up to the starry night. The moon is bright, projecting the deserted field. The night was peaceful, the silence singing in her ears. She moves on, never looking back. Yet her blood still flows into the snow, weakening her. read more