All posts by vCreep

the magician Hazard

I, LuaSangrenta, was in pig beach, just killing some and collecting pig ribons, for quest y’know, then some people apeared…
I personally don’t mind in share a map with more people, it is good because the respawn is more frequent, we only have to respect each other
But this guy, XHaZaRdOuSX a magician, hop in the hope and say to his friend ‘I gonna KS her all day!’, ‘lol’ was his friend answer. And then he beguins, I asked him to ‘cc please’, but his answer was ‘I’m here because I’m better than you and you got nothing’ (I keep asking myself what have I done to receive this kind of treatment… it’s just because I’m a rouge?) , well I am not a very good player I must admit, so I cannot do anything against him then I cc… I tell this to Anadril read more