All posts by Twitch213

Ranting Again


I hate to be the one to do this but Your wrong and Your right.

Hey so my job is to help you out make your choice cause I am sick and tired of seeing 1 Million Clone Going to be Clerics they all did the exact same thing, trained on the exact same things, wear the exact same clothes, did the exact same skill and ap build. What I want to see in this game is them doing the exact same damage, too. Everyone’s the same have some originality make your own choices. Yesterday I asked some low level Mage why he choose magic Guard over magic armor. He said Cuase its better?!?! Why is it better? Honest to god this is what he said cause the guide says so!!!! Red Flag. This is a role playing game not a who makes the best clone game. Cause you guys would rock at that. I am a Sniper I love it but what I love more is that it is my own. There was no X-Bowman guilds when I started so I made my own decisions I am an AB, Fa –less, high str crossbowman who trained in henesys hunting ground 3 till level 25 then went to Osiria and train on sents doing the quest daily till I had teleport scrolls coming out my ears.
Then at level 40 I went to the dungeon and trained there on cold eyes and ect till level 61. then I trained on Kitties and Minor Zombies till 80. Then I trained on werewolves till 100. the ludi can out and I trained till 102. but I did all my own I made my mistakes but that what make it so fun so stop with the what’s better Questions and stop with the guides and make this a FUN original game. If you want to copy something wear black and cut yourselves and Be a NONCOMFORMIST LIKE EVERYONE ELSE but in this game have fun nobody is judging (Except the man) so have fun. read more

Rant from an X-X Bowman

Hi my name is Twitch213 and im an ex Scania player. If u want to know why.
1: At level 70 i was ranked number 3 as the highest X-bowman and at level 80 #1. ( Not anymore but i am level 102)
2: too crowded!!!!!!!!!
3: Too CROWEDED!!!!!!!!!!!!
I could go on
Well now im a cleric in windia cause my guild really needs one.
But i remember the joy i got from being an x-bowman. not only are u respected like no other for being one. Ex i was level 68 and my friend the rnager was 74 and i would get famed randomly for being cool and doing something new. i mean they look at X- bowman as the would a HP warrior or a Str mage. You just never see one over the level of 50 and here i am the level 1xx Sniper and people go wow that took some effort when it really did not. Its more common now a days to have a supernoob than an x-bowman on your account. But it does not make sense.
1: X-bows are cheap as dirt.
2:Get more respect for less work
3: You do great damage and have a frezing move.
It just does not make any sense.
I love to see more X-bowman i mean my friends 34 and he is ranked like 1000 and im a cleric 35 and ranked in the 10000’s.
If you need any help with making a x-bowman or a regular bowman just email at Twitch213 at for any help w/ anything. read more