All posts by Twinkli

Maple Diary 3

October 2.

I learned how to get NX from my bank account yay!! ^_^ Lets see..I won an auction for a Dark Golden circlet, and got the daisy do. It doesn’t look half bad compared to my old hair! The last hair looked cute but was horrible with any hat so I needed Invisi hat. Now I have to decide what to spend the rest on ( i got 5k.) I want something that’ll last forever so.. read more

Maple Diary 2

October 1.
SO I started look for a party and got one but then we missed so then I went to another one, missed and so on.

And now I’m looking to buy a wg and a maple wagner o.0 with less than 5 mill or less
-waiting for an auction to finish-

♥ Twinkli

Maple Diary 1

Sept. 30
This’ll just be my online diary about maple so whatever. Today, after getting my computer back from the
computer shop ( it was there for a week) I played a little bit. I got into a ludi PQ right away,completed it and rushed in again but this time two clerics D/Ced and lagged out with passes. One said he would be at the shop buying pots and stocking up so I TOLD tem I was gonna go get some food. -Comes back- At exit, ” You have been expelled from the party”. read more

Defaming-Mass or Wars

You know what I think of them? =) I think they’re stupid. If someone doesn’t do anything bad to you, I don’t think you should , or have any right to defame them even if you’re backing a friend up. Okey your friend and someone else get into a little fight and then they both defame eachother, they both got defamed. You’re not part of the fight and don’t get involved, its just stupid. Instead fame your friend instead. It’s like, at the end there are guild defaming wars, and maybe two members are FRIENDS or could have been FRIENDS, but it turns out they have to defame eachother for who knows what reason. read more

Top 10 Ways to Ruin Your Name

Some people have been offended by this and I’d like to say that if you don’t think its ‘ruined’ or doesn’t make your name worse in anyway then its fine. You don’t always have to go by what others think. There ARE exceptions to these opinions =)

This is what me and several other players have put together as “The Top 10 Ways to Ruin Your Name” while we were chattin on the forums at basilmarket, rating IGNS and Basil account names read more

Funny Noob

I was training at Chronos and then all of a sudden comes a mage atleast level 38. He starts yelling ” DROP” “DROP” “DROP” “DROP”.

So I ask what he is talking about:

” I don’t have one”
I don’t have one read more