Right, India was fun, but Dubai was HOT. I sat in 40 degrees centigrade for TWO, STINKING, DAYS. I brought home a Caroms set, and and umbrella that opens up into a bottlecap! Speaking of bottle caps, Did they release that Coke-monster-thing? I want coke (The soft-drink). Right, I think I will be playing MapleStory for the next week-or-so, and I am setting off on a journey to find out what is new in th’darn thing! By the way, did they start that monster-attack thing this year? I hope they actually do it…I REALLY want it.
All posts by sumesh13
Oh My Gee “India”!? no wai!.
I love noobs. Just recently, I had s noob ask me for mesos…so I decided to have some fun with him. “Kind sir, can you spare me some mesos?”, the noob asked me after he opened the trade window. Palms sweating with anticipation to flame this noob’s ass, I had responded, “lol u cn shov my mesos up ur ass. OLOLOLOL@@@@!!@!#$TWENTY-TWO!”. The noob, “*F3*” at me and I had grown even more eager to kick his ass! “Gah! I love noobs”, I thought, and followed up my clever remark. “lol u nub, cnt even typ lik nmal prawrson”, yeah it was hard typing like that. The noob told me his parents would kick my ass, and i told him to “tk th meso and shv up ther as!”, at this point he closed the trade. Wow, if only I could some how help those noobs out…they make me so happy! Too bad they do not ask for anything important…I would probably not give it to them anyway. ONTO MORE PRESSING MATTERS:
I…am bor-ACK. (Bored+Back= bor-ACK)
Well then, I have been playing MapleStory once a week now…and I have noticed somthing. ALL MY FRIENDS HAVE DIED; I BLAME THE iMac! iMacs kill the inner child, hence “iM(Must)a(Attack)c(Childreninsidepeople)”. Yeah, what I mean by death, is that everyone’s personality is totally…bleargh. No emotion, and everyone sounds the same; because of this, I have deleted almost EVERYONE off my Buddy List. And now to the point, I WANT A KEWL FRIEND THAT IS NOT A JERK-FACE. Well, I just want someone to talk to…alright, I have NO idea where I am going with this, I just wanted to post a blog! I have not posted one in about 30 years (you get the picture), and this was the first thing that came to mind. However, all of this is true…and for the sake of me wanting the blog to be completed, what should I do now?
I hack MapleStory! >=D
That is right! I hack the crap out of it! I leech hacks off sites like…um…maplestory.nexon.net! >=D
That is the best site to hack off from. =D
Anywho, I jsut wanted to post something…and it had to be in relevence to MapleStory. Oh yeah! I quit FlyFF BEcause it was so boring…and revealing. I think I was warned once before, but with the experience of being a female character on MapleStory (I got so many free items, and money! =D), I thought being a female on FLyFF would be giving me the same results! I eventually became an Assist, and I realised something…the gear is a frigging BIKINI. I was like “what mates!?” and I F6ed that…yes I F6 in real life…it is kind of hard, but it is still fun to do. I continued on until lvl 32-ish…which is where evenyone started to go all “ZOMG SEX ME pl0x”, on me. At first I was falttered, then I realised that I was a GUY…and I told them. They either ran away, logged off, started caling me a pedophile, swearing at me, or did not believe me.
Hello everyone!
“Hello everyone! It’s me, ‘The Head’!”
“Art Attack” is a kewl show…whatever happened to it anywho? Meh, I’m just killing more time (I WANT THAT BING-BOOK, PL0X). You guys ever tried saying “pl0x” in real life? I do not mean pronoucing it “please”, I mean pronouncing it “plocks”. You should try it! I got expalled from my school for saying that. ._.
I tried playing this game! I was playing on that Aibatt server…and yeah I GOT TO LEVEL 32. After I got to fly around a bit, the game started to SUCK…It’s abck tot Kingdom Hearts for me! 😀
Grrr…I need to find a way to eat food…and drink at the same time. Think about it! It could solve world hunger! Do not ask me how, because almost everything I say is a solution to world hunger. “Why hasn’t world hunger been solved yet?” you ask? It’s a matter of choice really; PEOPLE ARE TOO LAZY TO LISTEN TO ME (All you guys are not stewpeed, but you are lazy. ;D).
towely420 is a harrasser, and a scammer.
Ok, I know i sound like a noob right now, and for those of you who’ll flame me, go away. I had pqed him the other day, and had kept on swearing at me for NO reason, and started to call this other member a slut (pardon my language mr.basil) however, i think she enjoyed that. OK and i had rushed him in 3 times, because i thought he was just one of those guys who you’d get used to, but his swearing kept on getting worse. Eventually i slipped up, BY ACCIDENT, when we were about to do the second stage of this ludi pq. I went in, because I thought no one else went in…because for the last few times, no one did go in…and then he starts to flame me for this mishap! and when i was at bonus stage, he looted off this party member (skull earrings), and wouldn’t give back, and kept on looting my items! I let go of the first three, but then he kept on looting me. Also, he defamed me 3 times, also for no reason! What should I do? Can you guys do anything about it?
Hackers…who are they?
I’ve done some thinking over this subject, and i believe that i have come to a reasonable deduction. ALIENS ARE TAKING OVER THE WORLD! O.K. that was just to get your attention, if i havn’t done so already. I believe that hackers are wizets veryown game masters. Now before you throw a bottle of wine at your computor screen (somehow, you assume the bottle of wine will go throught the computor screen, and into my face…-_-“), let me explain. First of all, hacking is an alteration of origanl codes, am i incorrect? and in order to do that, a person has to get their hands on it. Which brings me to this final statement, who do you think has the original files to maplestory? and for those of you who arn’t able to figure out who, it’s the people incharge of maplestory. And if you still can’t figure it out…it’s the game masters…and game masters arn’t always the people who play the game, they can also be people who are incharge of making the game. Which bring me to my second point, have you guys noticed that the hacker population increase, was right after the cash shop came out, and people started to buy the stuff? well, i have…and i believe that the GMs do need their pay. Now, i am not saying that they are stealign the money (which I am), but i really am not confirming that GMs are the hackers (which i was trying to do =D), however, these are just thoughts, please do not flame me for stating my ideas, instead…just tell me yours, i think that this is a start of a new thread…(maybe i should post this in a forum too?)