All posts by Squal537

WiP sin guide (please help)

So, you want to be a successful assassin? I’ll show you the way of the wild animal that is the assassin, not really. Assassins aren’t animals, we are people….virtual people. The path of the claw rouge and the assassin are very powerful and quick character jobs that become quite deadly when in 2nd job, critical shot is maxed, haste is maxed, drain is maxed, and booster is maxed assassins are almost untouchable and do not need the luxury of health potions. read more

[Sora] the day

Anyway, ihave taken a break from blogging here, I felt mediocre seeing it is that my highest lvl was lvl 31 and it was a messed up warrior. This was several months ago so no-body remembers but me! anyway, now got 2 active 2nd jobbers a cleric n a sin, 32 and 52 (almost 53) respectively.Now I have decided to record my daily progress and stories again! *reads through a week worth of blogs* ahhh the good days. any hoo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~` I started off this morning like normal, training at golems (not FoG, thats stupicide, temple of golems FTW) trained for bout 30 mins until I had to go off to mass until noon or so. This got me from 50% to 55% (yay, talking and training isnt slow) Nothing unusual happened really. When I got back, one of my guildies suggested some of us Zpq for DM scrolls, and I figured i’d go for the first time to zakum, errr DM. We all had a hoot over 7 hours, nabbing us maybe 30 scrolls a piece. (I invited some friedns too, they didnt know what the hell they were doing, so they wasted a lot of time) But one of these friend’s friends came too, she was a lvl 55 dits fully decked n stuff. She said it wasnt her first time, and we believed her. At the moment our leader guildy was afk for something and said for me to take over. I did so and stuff got us in yada yada yada, botu 15 mins into it, the 4 of us were “done” (hold on, comp submitted by itself 0_o) Turns out, the girl didnt do her row like she was supposed too, and the friend didnt do all of 16. Thankfully there was 15 misn left and we recovered everything but one document with 5 mins to go. We all fckin freaked out, and then I scroll up for somethin (maybe a reference to a older mega) and I see that the girl said she dropped a scroll when we were still on our main routes all systems go! I started yelling at her for letting it dissappear (she wasn’t afk) and she didnt even tell us that it dissappeared. This was the worst waste of time, and I headed to aqua to hunt for a board for a bit. I went afk for an hour and basicly tried to do it again with a friend for an hour but only once was it a sucess because we had to get off. Anyway this was my day, not very good overall. ~~~~~~ Start exp: 50% +++++++ End exp: 75% ~~~~~~

Well, I experienced level 30 again.

I have to say its great. My sin, Sora537, got to 30 today. I am also having a hard time chooseing to stay 30 or go to 50 for funding. Any ideas? kinna short, but I can’t really recap my 3 characters lately. Except that i restarted Suqal537, he only had 1.2K, I didn’t really check into guides too much and it hurt me in the end. So I cut my losses and started over, now he is lvl 10 again. Also, I just wrote a Perma 30 PQ guide. If you want to edit/read it, email me at Squal537 AT NOSPAM Byes! read more

PQ guide

So you want to be a GODLY Kerning City PQ Assassin? Well, if so you have come to the right place. If you aren’t, turn around and look for another guide. First I am going to tell you a few pro’s and cons of being a PERMANENT level 30 assassin.

1.You are rich and powerful
2.You are looked up upon many low levels
3.You can buy almost anything you want or make anything you want.
4.You Will be the most powerful for your class and level
5.You will be easily funded for 3 characters. read more