All posts by SillyD

Just some simple things to ponder.

Well I haven’t written anything for about a week, so busy you know.

Well I’m not going to bother you with how my training went because that’s boring. However I am going to bother you with what I think about while training.

When I’m training I usually just phase out and start thinking about stuff. I’ve come to realize that MapleStory is an escape. It’s an escape from life and its worries. However, I find that ironic, because people then start to have problems within the game itself like having no money to buy equips and friendship problems. So then people start quitting because it starts being how their real life is. read more

Woah first blog.


Well seeing as this is my first blog ever I’ll write a short intro on how I got involved with Maple Story.

If I remember correctly I started about 2 years ago, back in grade 8 I believe. My friend said
“Hey wanna check out this cool new game.”

I decided to give it a shot.

I signup on Mapleglobal and download the game (8 hours on my 5 kbps modem).
Well I signed up just at the right time because it turns out I was playing the Beta Version, if you guys can even remember that Just 2 weeks later, the signups closed and no one else was allowed to sign up. read more