All posts by sicboy23401


umm. . .how do u make the stimualtor save ur guy? everytime i save it it use comes up blank -_- plz help me. and ill be posting kms screenies for a LOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNGGGGG time XD i hope u enjoy my screenies =)

Korean MapleStory

look at the pictures. XD im a fast lvler >.> i had this account for about 4 days. fast lvling reason = good exp giving monsters in cola land and etc. and X2 exp =P. XD im lvl 22 now. if u saw my other screeny i was llv 13 i think?

this little *beep*!

whitefridge5 said: ” “often training gets boring for me, so for entertainment i like to con ppl, and try to outdo my self each time (Materialistically) and to make it easier to keep track of these cons i write them in a book. Now yesterday i completed what i can honestly say is my best con ever =) and i feel that i must share this with u. This all started about 6 days ago, i was training on kitties and soon become fed up so i moved to the normal ones. However i soon regret my actions as I just lost 134 hp. in only a few minutes i was down to only 56 hp (outta pots) and stuck on a rope. i waited for someone to come rescue me but no one came. i was about to quit, when a lv 48 cleric came (im also lucky that it was a girl cus girls are always easier to con then guys) Anyways i begged her to help me and she agreed and invited me to party and healed me. She then gave me 214 hp pots and said she didnt need those. I noticed her cromi and asked her how much mag atk it had, to my astonishment she showed me it had 77 mag atk and + 7 int! then i asked if i could buddy her cuz she was so hot and gave her my +7 maple claw. she jsut smiled and said ok. (i’ll get it back). A fell days later i logged on again after watching simpsons. Luckily she was also on. She asked me if i wanted to pq, i told her i couldnt cuz i just lost most of my equips from a scam. (this was a lie) i then begged her to lend me some equips and items. she seemed unsure and asked me if i was lieing. i promised her i wasnt and even sent her a video of how i got scammed. (it was a phony video i made with a friend) She of course, belived me and gave me a tobi, 550k , my claw back(duh) some pots and about 100k worth of some low lv equips. Unsatisfied i made up another story, i told her that i was too depressed to continue with my sin and wanted to make a cleric also, i asked her if can borrow her cromi for 2 days to lv faster, after about 35 min of begging and assuring her i wont keep it she finnaly agreed. Later I deleted her off my buddy list and simply ignored all her Pathetic whispers, so thats my story pm me if u wanna buy the cromi and flame if u want i dont care, she probably fine or crying her eyes out i dont really care. read more

ahhhh!!!! come!!!

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…………………………, ”~-,„_ . .)_,|-“……….¯”””””” read more

story ideas

i gonna make a story but i dont no the names -_- can soem1 suggest names for me to use in my story this story is a mix of a gmae i played and maplestory plz suggesst names and ideas