All posts by SgtPenguin

The Last Knight Pt1

This is my 1st blog and I was wondering if you can give me some advice for future reference =P

Blood poured down his face from the deep wound on his forehead. His ragged breath, the only sound in the temple “Had enough? Or do I have to continue pummeling you?” He grinned and wiped of the blood
“No, I’m just getting started” He raised his Red Cross Sheild and Cutlass
“You just don’t get it do you? You’ve lost and even if you do take back Maple Island there’s noway you can get past the Air Force!” He raised his Red Katana “Sigh, suppose it will be one less inferior person to stand in our way” Ken, The last knight of the White Templars, Defender of Peace looked across the Temple Chamber at the General of the Dragon Force. Gaji. Gaji lunged at Ken as he brought up his sheild *Clang**Clang* steel clashed upon steel as massive dents were left on the already battered sheild “Look around you Ken. All your dead comrades who died in vain. And for what? Defending the weak? Or for fame? Which is it Ken? Which IS IT!?” he lunged again and again as Ken parried each sword blow “How am I going to beat him?” he thought as he gritted his teeth. *Thwack* “Arg!” Ken dropped his sheild as the blade entered his shoulder. He fell knee first to the ground ” I hope you meet your comrades in the afterlife Ken, I really do” Gaji sheathed his blade and spat on the dying Ken “Adios amigo.”
Ken looked up as his vision blurred along the edges. He had one final thought before his heart gave up……. “Why Gaji? Why?” read more