All posts by sapphire8

Stairway to the Sky

In honor of all legit third jobbers out there, who have stuck it through 70 levels and still haven’t quit.

Stairway to the Sky

The road to level seventy is tough;
many try to reach that mark and fail.
The bulk of them think fifty-one’s enough
and in the end, Nature will prevail.

But some choose not to quit, not to turn tail.
You’ll keep on training hard till you get there
Whatever’s thrown at you, a storm, a gale,
you simply take it, try harder, persevere. read more

Level 48? …not quite.

So I started the day out with a good feeling. I was at 60%, I had 4 hours all to myself (my parents work till 6, and I had no homework so I didn’t have to worry really), and I was planning to reach level 48 today
At first I was doing well; I moved from Platoon Chronos to Masters, just to try them out. The first screenshot shows just how much I own them. (NOT! =P) read more

Legend of the Ranger – Prologue

I know I know, I said I’d never write a story. But I couldn’t resist T_T sorry for tormenting you all with my bad writing skills.

After I write this I’m gonna write a poem, and either submit the next chapter of this with it, or just the poem by itself. I’ve learned the hard way not to say anything definite about what I will do; I simply change my mind WAY too much for that. So just wait and see ^^ read more

Luck has gone my way, for once.

Well, this afternoon, I logged in and tried to find a PQ. I got one immediately and was expelled almost as fast. Those jerks >.< anyway, after about 10 more minutes, I found another party, only to be disappointed again: we missed, twice. But this isn’t a rant about PQ, it’s a levelling.

So, discouraged, I logged out. And decided once and for all that PQ is not worth the trouble. read more

Double Stab.

About the title. It’s sort of a pun. I named it “Double Stab” because if you think about it, I got “stabbed” twice. Once by lag, and once by my party members. You’ll get what I’m talking about by reading the blog. >.>

Anyway, a short summary of my MMO day so far.

I found a PQ party. We found a track. When they (party we’re tracking) get to crack, I dc. The unable-to-connect-to-server thing, where it kicks you out of the game entirely and sends you to your desktop instead of the login screen. You can imagine how frustrating this is; not only did it take about 5 minutes just to disconnect me from the game and load the desktop, but when I click the icon again, it says GameGuard is already running. Oh great. read more

Poem of Bliss

Sorry for the loooong wait, I haven’t had much time to write poems >.> and even as it is, this one was written in about 10 minutes, at 1 in the morning. (If you’re wondering, I had trouble sleeping.)

I’ve come to another conclusion: hope is cruel. I had hope yesterday when I thought my login problems were going to get fixed; only my case seems to be weird. So I still have no maple -_- read more

When MS is a mess…

The pic is just proof of the glitch where you heal and level, and it doesn’t show. Notice where it says I’m level 39, and where it says I’m level 40. Not that it has anything to do with the blog, but…

“How was your MMO day”? Are you kidding me? If I even had a MMO day today, I wouldn’t be here ranting my head off. read more

So how much dex REALLY is 1 att?

(Okay, I’m pissed, because the first time I tried to submit this, it gave me a 404 and I lost it all. Not fun.)

Read: BOWMAN stuff. So if you’re not a bowman, leave because you won’t have the faintest idea what I’m talking about. And even if you do, it doesn’t apply to you.

And if you are one, reading this blog, or at least its ending, will answer ALL your questions about whether getting something that adds, say, 8 dex or 3 attack, is better. read more

Good news and bad news.

It’s only me -.- okay you can go away now, this isn’t some really important blog or really good story by one of the famous people on this site so I assume you don’t want to read it T_T

The good news is that I’m back home. (Well in a way that’s bad news >.>) But I’ve decided to put my poems on hold for a while for a couple of reasons. read more

Update on my activities

I bet I’m not well enough known for this to be really important, but who cares? >.>

I have decided not to call my poem #4 “The Founder”, title doesn’t really have to do with the poem. Also, don’t expect it anytime soon; I’m not going to work on it until I get home which is in about a week.

Offtopic and doesn’t apply to any of you, but I’ve been outleveled by a certain guildmate by no less than 7 levels >.< and to think I was past him before I left… oh well those 7 levels are between 44 and 50, and 50+ gets harder from lack of PQ. (In Khaini people PQ straight through the level range. In 3x they farm. Stage 1-7. Or 8, but it’s not worth the EXP, in my opinion.) read more