All posts by Rew

Cancellation: The Blood Has Dried

Just to note, my story “The Blood Has Dried” has been taken down due to lack of interest. Sorry for wasting space and time.
Just so you know, not that I care, I’m going to continue writing it. I don’t care anymore if nobody likes it, as long as nobody has to read it, it’ll all be okay and everyone will be happy.

Savage Blow Vs Double Stab

The fight is on, and there is already a winner. If you’ve been to BasilMarket, you might know that I’ve posted this before, however it went “poof” and ran away.
And, I don’t like posting on BasilMarket, nobody there actually READS the post before replying “I r lvl 999 u r nob”

So, anyway, to the point. EVERYBODY know’s Savage Blow, it’s a Bandit skill that hits an enemy 6 times when maxed. Ok, time for some MATH! MUAHAHAHAHA! read more

Dammit! I’m Not Hacking!

Yea, this is REALLY pissing me off. Whenever I log on MapleStory, I can get up to the character select screen but when I select a character, MapleStory freezes!
After about 10-30 seconds of it not doing anything, it closes and says “There has been a potential hacking thret detected. Maple Story will be close.”

What the left parenthesis?

I’m NOT hacking! The only thing I have open is Msn, but that’s it! WHY does MapleStory think I’m hacking? But what’s the MOST weird, is that if I open MapleStory AGAIN, it works perfectly fine! So, I have to open MapleStory twice in order to play! read more

Becoming A GM, Not Possible

Well I was excited to write my first blog, but just my luck, the first thing to write about was something negative.

Anyway, everyone knows the GMs. They have awesome powers to level up easier and ban players as they see fit. Although they aren’t seen too often, they are very active and are doing a lot that we don’t even know about.

Now, everywhere I go, I see noobs saying “Wizet if you read this make me a GM I’ll make a difference.” I even saw a noob that was nooby enough to run around spamming “Every1 vote for me to be GM.” read more

New Patch Ain’t All That

Oi, my first blog and it’s gonna be a rant, yippee. Sorry about how long it is, but SOMEBODY has to say it!

Anyway, the patch began yesterday (Actually it was REALLY early today at like 3:00 my time). My friend and I were so excited! But it lasted for about 5 hours so… Yea… Once again, yippe.
Sure Aquaroad came out, so everyone is happy-go-lucky and prancing around saying “Oh em gee one one yayz.” And so my patch too about half an hour to upload, and while I was waiting, my friend who was infinitly more intelligent than me told me that he manually downloaded the patch yesterday. read more