All posts by RADICAL

Long Live The Queen!

… Or atleast, the self-proclaimed Queen of MMOTales!
Hello, all of you wonderful MMOTalers. :] If you hadn’t already looked at my name, it’s RADICAL, back from the dead at long last… Or at least sort of, you know, being undead isn’t exactly being back -from- being dead, you know, it’s a zombie thing, you know, an unmeasurable craving for the succulent brains of the living kind of thing, you know, a—- read more


RADICAL @ Profil3 dot com.
So much for refusing to join a month earlier.
For anyone who was a Profil3, click this link ~

On a related note, reached level 34 with my
Bunny, Projectile, in Trickster Online. 8D Logged
off at 77% or so, meaning, 1 more level until a
new weapon. . . Even if that weapon isn’t as
pretty as the plastic hammer. Oh well~ read more

Picture, Forced Quit, My Guild, Marriage

This blog will be split into 4 sections, yeah.


Click the first picture of the blog. D; Made for Matt for .. no particular reason. If anyone mentions how unbearably thin he is, your toenails are going to be torn off your toes and used as a doorstopper. Or about the wonky hand. -IRON FIST.- x___x.


D; After my computer breaking down for a rather icky reason, thus making Maple unexcessable, my Dad’s computer has rejected Maple completely. After updating DivX [Or something like that], Maple loads past Gamegaurd and the Wizet&NEXON ads in the beginning, and then shuts down with a popup that says …. well, nothing. With only the option of “OK”. And since this seems unfixable, and has been unfixible since last Monday, it seems theres no hope of Mapling until my computer is fixed, which would be in 3 days ~ 2 weeks, possibly even more then that. Meaning, no hanging out with the guild, no blogging on MMOT, no attempting-and-failing at training, postponing a marriage with Matt, no chatting around in buddychat, no running about naked in the FM, no mocking David and Bloody’s butt baby, no harassing beggars, no .. .. .. read more

Level 50, at last!

; w; A prideful moment indeed. Reaching 50. Half way to 100. 20 levels away from the advancement. 8 away from Shintara’s level. 12….ish away from Laura. Finally got to equip that 77 Attack Olympus that’s been gathering pixelated dust in my inventory. Also, Maro’s are uber smexy. > w<

Reaching level50 couldn’t be possible unless it were for several kindhearted Maplers, MMOTers, Basilers, etc. Thanks you guys… ya’ll rock. D: 50 is a real accomplishment, and finally, after several months… It’s just really good to kick back, stare at your own pixelated face, and say “Level 50. Wows.” After quitting twice over [Once around lvl32 due to banned-by-parent, once around lvl43 due to no motivation…], 50 is seriously pretty awesome. read more

Snarky Windian GM. <3


Oh yes. That little mofo diserved is so bad. For those who didn’t know, and are in shock, read the above once again. You know the nasty little boy who enjoys yelling digusting things at the -entire- server? Yep, he’s gone. Banned for misuse of Megaphones.

[Notice] TonyM0ntana has been banned for Supermegaphone misuse.

…. Or something like that. It was the most -beautiful- thing that as popped on the screen within -all- of my time spent on Windian Server. Buddylist shouted in glee, “He’s gone! He’s gone! By George, he’s finally GONE!”, And many Supermegaphoned love messages pointed at the GM flooded only seconds after. It was something that could bring TEARS TO YOUR PIXELATED EYES. It was great. If you missed it…. so not cool. D; read more

Guests Needed For NON-NX Wedding!! <3

Lul, need some guests for a non-nx wedding. :0 Which is unplanned, has no date, and only has a location so far. <3 My lauhvar, Joey [EmptyWords45] has no monies to be using $30, and… no credit card use here, so, Non-NX wedding instead. 8D! Yeah, free stuff, too. Just… YEAH YOU CAN GET FREE STUFF. So come, ja? Because you’re invited if you want to so be there.;DD Chyeah~ read more

Disrespectful Maplers.

Never thought one of my blogs would be negative, or saying anything unhappy about other maplers to the extent of the ENTIRE blog being negative, but apparently not.


x___x;;; My other character is a warrior. A newb at that, she’s… lvl17, maybe? o_o Windia, InYourBases, and she’s beentraining in the Slime Tree for the paat few levels. People are so disrespectful there, and just plain rude… As you know, newbies can’t hit very hard. it takes about 1 to 2 hits to kill a slime, and warriors aren’t ranged. Well, one kind is, but mine is a fighter. xD;; read more