All posts by PoLiShMaTt

Skill Set Up For Fighters and Crusaders.

When a SwordMans, start off by getting HP Recovery to 5 AS SOON AS POSSIBLE to unlock MaxHP so you can Max it out AS SOON AS POSSIBLE so you can get every bit of HP possible because it’s going to cause a huge problem in the future when fighting big stuff and you have a few thousands of HP less then yor friends and you’re trying to train but keep dying from low HP, so yeah.. do that and you will be fine.
Next, Master Power Strike, and then Slash blast to have maxium hitting power. And the other two skills are useless.. Iron Body just raises your Def by just a little… saves 1 or 5 Damage and that won’t make a huge difference when fighting stuff later on that do 500 Damage or 1500 Damage. And endure that speeds up your hp recovery or a rope or lader, might seem cool but when level 70 and you have 6000 HP, waiting on a rope for an hour to recover half of your half is not cool or time wise. read more

Description of Maple Story Jobs

MapleStory is such a great game. The game has some of the weirdest monsters you will ever come across in your life. You will be killing every thing from orange jumping mushrooms and green slimy **** all the way up to cold white yetis with anger problems, werewolves with the taste for fresh human flesh, gollesm three times your hight, and huge monkeys with wings and skulls as helms to fight as you train harder as levels pass and you meet new people to share knoledge about the game and your experinces in it and share job skills to help each other train faster and stronger. read more

Warrior Build, 1-170, Max STR, Good DEX

I been lately noticing people asking me for how they should set up their ability points and such. So I came up with a idea of posting here for all of you to see the ability set up for the ‘Warrior’ Job from Level 1~150. I’ll post the Skill set up in my next blog. So, lets get started!. Always look at equipment state requirements that are for your next check point. Also, I would like to say that this is my favourite “Warrior” build that I came up with because it maximizes the Str and has a good Dex level to hit monsters for your level. read more