All posts by pendragon08


read my blog, “horrible or what?”, and answer this question or just answer it.

The question:

omg i can;’t say it!!!

TUm! Tum! TuM!

is it even possible for a lvl 65 spearman to go to lvl 72? the time he played (cant tell if it is non-stop) sunday at around 6:00 pm to monday around 7:00pm. about 24 hours.

Okay is said it. now answer it. read more

If You Can’t Do It, No One can!

This might be weird and confusing to you at first but read it.


OMG, u freaking guy, u freaking broke my freaking bed because u are freaking gay and freaking ugly.

Now what I am trying to do is use a word as much times as possible in one sentence like the word: freaking.

I know this is weird, but it is kind of fun. Don’t type this:

I like eggs because I like eggs because I like eggs because I like eggs because I like eggs because I like eggs because eggs are eggs and eggs are good. read more


I need help plz.

my story “The Thief and the Monkey” needs to be writened. so help! for people who reads and has ideas plz type them here. i need ideas badly and fast!


No JOke!

HoRriBle oR WhaT?

i was going back to vic from orbis one day. I was eager to level up to 33 when i was 80%. when i went to vic. the whole guild who was logged on was there waiting. it was only 3 people. my brother, a hunter , and the guild leader, a mage. then he said lets go to orbis. i was like what. i was there before. so the leader gave me money and we went. in the 15th floor the hunter died. so we walked back up and the hunter said that he used the orbis scroll to go to the 1st floor. so we went up and my guild leader later got a lvl 65 or 66 spearman. (everyone is our guild was below 35 except for the spearman.) i gave the guild leader a scroll to the 1st floor. i had two. i followed the spearman down because i wanted to use the scroll to go up. (my brother , a mage went back to vic.) then a el nath we did nothing and i want to lvl, and the spearman ran away and everyone was afk. so i went to vic. the guild leader got mad and lowered my ranting. read more

The Thief and the Monkey- Part 3

I wanna be the very best for everyone ever wants… Pokemon! On our last episode, the monkey and Bob fought a brave and terrible battle. Soon Bob dies, but comes back alive only to meet a new friend, Michael Jackson. The monkey seemed to be outnumbered, but then 2 other flying monkeys come. Is it true? Is it true that the battle is 2 versus 3? Soon Bob and Michael merge together to make a more terrible guy! read more

The Thief and the Monkey- Part Two

I wanna be the very best for everyone ever wants… Pokemon! On our last episode, the monkey and Bob had a very adventurous adventure. They fought each other and then it come down to the AK-47 in Bob’s hands. Is this the end of the monkey? Watch *Cough* Read on to find out.

Tum, Tum, Tum, Tum! The AK-47 is in Bob’s hands. The future of the monkey is in Bob’s hands. Is this the end? All of the sudden the monkey took out a bazooka and blew the h*** out of Bob. Bob tried to do the matrix but Bob failed and Bob died. Down in H*** or up in Heaven, Bob is floating lifeless around. “How can this be? I am alive or dead” says Bob. Suddenly, a voice says, “You are dead. You are in Heaven except Santan wanted you because of the killing, but God said it is the way of doing. I see you failed to do the matrix.” “Yes, I failed. Who are you?” asked Bob. “I am the Chosen One. I am … Neo. Learn how to do the matrix. Learn to complete you mistakes.” said Neo. So Bob practiced the matrix. Soon Bob completed the matrix. Neo says, “God is busy to take you in. So go down and complete your mistakes.” read more

The Thief and the Monkey-Beginning

this story is based on the blog of Flying Monkeys!!! so if u want me to write more write in that blog. so lets begin in the beginning. this is not the story.

One day, on a peaceful morning. Thieves, mages, warriors, and archers run around for work and training. There is a lot of talking of ksing and training. Soon the world turned dark. How can this happen? thought the people. Then there was a PLOD! And then an anotherone and an another. All over the world this happened. Then there were PLOD’s ans SHREEECH’s! read more

The Thief and the Monkey- Part 1

I wanna be the very best for everyone ever wants… Pokemon! On our last episode, there were “things” were falling down. “Were they the pieces of the sky? Were they monsters falling down?” is what everyone thought in the world.

They were bananas and one flying monkey. Then the monkey ate 500 bananas. He became very full. Then he felt very sick and threw up on a thief called Bob. The thief got so angry that he threw 2 stars at the monkey. read more