All posts by nobody3223

KLON radio

KLON Clone radio we play the songs that sound more like everyone else
then anyone else. Clone Clone Clone.

Alright ya’ll this is Nobody At Night here at KLON radio. How we feeling out there? Lets get things started off
with a song

Were gonna start it off with one of personal favorites
No One Knows by the Queens Of The Stone age.
Normally I don’t listen to hard stuff but I just love this song, let me know what you all think. read more


Hey whats up folks this is Nobody At Night here from MMO Radio bringing some of the recent news about Alex, and his maple acct.
So where shall we begin, I think it would be best if we started with the blueness.
My maple bandana has given me joy and depression, if you have listened to our radio show before you know that story. So nameless3 was walking around in FM wondering why these miserable jerks wouldn’t buy any thing he had to sell when he saw a hat. Not just any hat, but the best hat (Please note that Nobody At Nights opinions stated in his broadcast are not the views of the MMO Radio company)
It was a blue wizard hat. You know the gachapon only type. So Nameless looked at it and thought
“Heh like I could ever afford that.”
The guy in the store says
“Hey, you want the hat for 750k?” read more

I hate making titles its random thought

Hello all you people who have the misfortune of reading this, and to all those people who stayed despite the last comment I have this to say: I’m happy
yup thats right I am happy
Why you ask? oh you didnt ask well too bad.
My best freind came back!
I thought he quit but it turns out his maple was messed up…for 4 months
I am tired of kitties now I can never find a hack free ch. So I will go to that mystical dark block gollem spot in eos tower.You know the one where you stand and they cant hit you but you can hit them.
oh ya and I have a motto now yay
its from destroy all humans BUT THEY DIDNT COPYRIGHT THE LINE SO ITS MINE!!!!
“dont get mad, get sadistic” except I’m terrible at spelling Oo read more

Nameless3’s boat ride

His eyes widened as his white bottomed shoes hit the plateform deck. Dozens of people were crowded the near the end of the dock. He approuched the Ticket booth in awe.

“Hello, I’m in charge of selling tickets for the ship ride to Orbis Station of Ossyria. The ride to Orbis takes off every 15 minutes, beginning on the hour, and it will cost you 5,000 mesos. Are you sure want to purchase a ticket?”
The person said in a voice that comes from years of practice.
Nameless hesitated a moment “…Yes I would like one ticket please”
Ticket in hand he approuched the dock, birds were flying in the distance and the chatter of the other adventurers was overwhelming. He looked up the large digital clock over head. It read 7:00
He advanced once more, and looked over the edge.
A muffled scream emergered from his throut as he saw that boat was floating.
With great fear he gave his ticket to the Ticket usher and boarded the craft read more

Empty eyes 4

“A bounty?” Van said puzzled
“Yup looks like it” Laxe smiled broadly.
“I can understand why they are after you,child support and what not,but me! what did I do?!” Van said bewildered
“hey I dont have any kids…yet”
“uh huh, So what are we gonna do about this?” Van said looking at his picture.”Its not even a good shot either”
Laxe thought for a moment. ‘No idea” he smirked “but I do have some good news”
“whats that?” Van looked up
“first of all; Sam is asleep,always a good thing,no nagging”
“of course,what else is there?”
“A new lead” Laxe said chuckling.
“Its about damn time,so what is it?”
“Well its a area you should be familar with; El nath.”
Vans face became stone, memorys like worms wriggled across his mind.He hadnt been in El nath since…
“You leaving or not?” Laxe shook him from his day dreams. read more


alright im now searching to see if there are other things like italics and bold by going throuight the whole alphabet

[a] Hi [/a]
[c] Hi[/c]
[d] Hi[/d]
[e] Hi [/e]
[f] Hi [/f]
[g] Hi [/g]


[j]Hi [/j]
[k] Hi [/k]
[l] hi [/l]
[m] Hi [/m]
[n] Hi [/n]
[o] Hi [/o]
[p] Hi [/p]
[q] Hi [/q]
[r] Hi [/r]
[s] Hi [/s]
[t]Hi [/t]
[u] Hi [/u]
[v] Hi [/v]
[w] Hi [/w]
[x] Hi [/x]
[y] Hi [/y]
[z] Hi [/z] read more