Taking a break from leveling my DK…it seems that as I’m PPA, I’m second choice for all those priests who want spear/hbrids for their busters >_>. So, as a result, I’m still at zombies. At level 82. Which totally sucks. The exp…is maybe 6-8% an hour – maybe half of what I’d get at MDTs/duals. It’s really getting on my nerves. Decided to take a short break from leveling him, gonna try to make a crusader. They seem to have a much faster 2nd job, so it could possibly be done in a few months. After all, beats training on zombies..>_>
All posts by No1knew
Seem to have hit a leveling block…
Right, so. A few days ago, I lvled to 60. I was so excited about finally equipping my skylar, and looking forward to the boost in attack and defence. I thought now I’d be able to train in higher leveled places, such as zombies or buffies. I was wrong…
I’ve tried everywhere with fairly tough monsters. Soul teddies, buffies, red drakes, DMT, cargo area, zombies and hectors, and the only place I get more than 5% an hour is at zombies – where I lose something along the lines of 50k an hour from the massive pot usage.
…..Oh my god.
Right. So there i am, bored after our insane stunt with the tauros (in which we go our asses kicked, being a party of lvl 47 spearman (me), lvl 36 spearman, lvl 36 cleric and lvl35 i/l wizzie), and i hear that two friends are camping at cursed sanctuary, waiting to see balrog. I hoped to convince themto have another crack at the tauros. They, being sane (unlike me :-P) declined, so i was left to fight the tauromacis single handedly. So there I was, sanctuary entrance 1, once again waiting for an isolated tauromacis. To cut a long story short, it started off badly.
A trip to the dungeon
Mmk, I think I’ve just proved that I’m very clever and very stupid. The clever is convincing people to do my stupid idea-namely, go down into the dungeon, not only to see rog, but to pwn some monsters too.
So, here we are in our party of a lvl 47 spearman (me) and my friends : Billeh the lvl 36 spearman, Jp the lvl 35 dumbass (lolz, only joking jp, he’s i/l), and Myd, the lvl 36 cleric. And we were out to slay a tauromacis.
The Elusive Scorpio
Bleh. So here i am, at dangerous croko 1, slaughtering hundreds of thousands of crokos and liggies for what is a relatively tiny amount of Jr. Neckis to respawn. Why is a lvl 47 Pole Armer trying to train on Jr Neckis? Duh, for a Maple Scorpio
It’s is in my opinion, and the opinion of many of my friends, that the scorp is easily the coolest Maple wep. However, this total pwnage wep makes you work to obtain it (unless you’re stupidly lucky). It only drops from a flipping necki.
So, I’ve been here for the last 3 days. I have over 800 skins in my inventory, made over 30k from more skins, found an insane number of oranges (btw, why the hell do neckis drop oranges o.O) and strangely 3 jangoon armours. Considering the amount of things neckis drop, I’m quite surprised i haven’t found anything else. However, I was both extremely happy and fairly annoyed at the same time. A liggy had just dropped a maple staff, which obviously was nice, but i have 3 mage friends around lvl 35 all wanting it at once. Bleh.
Bah, gotta go kill more neckis, mebbe I’ll find it before 1500 skins x.x
Lvl 35 : Worst. Level. Evar.
A few days ago, my friend lvled to lvl 36. We’ve both now agreed that lvl 35 is cursed for spearmen. For him, it just took a long time. For me…
I’d just lvled to 35, after i hard day of training and looking forward to my new kit. I decided not to train the rest of that day, just have fun with my friends. Next day, after school, i decided to train for a while. I had gotten to about 5%, then i died. Screw it, i thought, i can’t be bothered today. Next day, i decided to pursue my sauna robe. I went to the dungeon trainiing map, full of curse eyes and lupins. I killed stuff for a while, and at 7%, i died. This continued for a while. Two weeks had passed, and still at 0%! I decided to knuckle down in burnt land.
I don’t know if this is just me, but there seems to have been a sudden increase in the amount of beggars.
Every single time i go to henesys, I get totally swarmed with trade requests. I mean, it’s not even as if i’m that high a lvl.
The begging itself is extremely annoying. I mean, it’s not as if we’ve all begged one time or another – but the difference is, when i was a noob and needed help, I’d just say ‘Hey, have you got any spare leaves I could have?’ etc.
These people don’t know how to spell, they don’t know how to turn off caps lock, and they are getting stupider by the minute. They just come up to you and yell ‘MESO PLZ!!11’, ‘GUILD PLZ!!11’ and the like. There was one particularly stupid person a week or two ago. I came out of Free Market channel 1 in perion with my kargo, and there was this lvl 12 or so archer. She came up to me, and yelled in caps lock ‘CAN I HAVE YOUR DOG PLZ!!11’.
I had already had a few beggars that day, so I just ignored her. She flippin’ chased me through about 5 different maps, not changing her sentence once, and not listening to me repeatedly saying ‘No.’ to her.I eventually cced about 5 times, and took a cab to kerning.
These people are getting on my nerves. A LOT.